Organising Your Busy Life

in Lifestyle

If you’re busy and your stress levels are through the roof, then you should consider getting organised. Life can get chaotic, but a bit of forward planning will make you feel more in control. Here are a few tips to help you get organised.


Write a list of all the things you need to do first. Household tasks, looking after your family, and self-care are all priorities, but some things are more important than others. Break these things down and decide which ones are the most important. Separate them into three categories: urgent things, essential tasks, and less important goals. This should help you to focus better on the things you need to do. Many people are working from home these days, and if you’re one of those people, then this would be classed as something urgent. If you need some tips on impressing your clients, click here.

Create a Schedule

Once you have categorised your responsibilities, you should create a schedule and plan things out day by day. If you stick to that schedule and the deadlines you set, you should feel far less busy. Delegate these tasks if you feel like there’s too much to do. Your family is there to support you, so don’t be afraid to ask them to help out. If you feel that your work life is overtaking your home life, you should take the time to learn more about prioritizing your family.

Meal Prep

If you rely on ready meals, takeout, and junk food because you’re too busy to cook, it might be time to make a change and to try meal prepping. Meal prepping is simple: You cook meals for several days all at once. Roast a large tray of chicken and mixed vegetables, make a large pot of chili, or fry up a lot of stir fry vegetables. Then all you have to do is distribute the food into containers, stick them in your fridge or freezer, then heat up the portions at meal times. This will save you a lot of time throughout the week.

Keep an Eye on Your Health

It’s easy to overwork yourself, and that can have an adverse effect on your health. Self-care is important and there a few things you can do to keep yourself healthy while you’re busy. Getting rid of fast food and eating nutritious food is the first step you can take in keeping yourself healthy. This is where the meal prepping comes in—you can cook nourishing meals all in one go. You should also exercise, whether it’s taking a short walk around the block, doing yoga in the living room, or scheduling time to go to the gym. Getting enough sleep is also important for lowering stress and anxiety levels, improving concentration, and is good for your immune system.

Plan Your Downtime

Downtime can improve your physical and mental health, so you need to relax and remember that you’re important too. Forget about housework and all the other things you have to do for a little while. Buy the best sweet wine and invite your friends around for a party or curl up on the couch with a good book and cup of hot chocolate. Take time off from your busy schedule and do something fun with your family, do your hobby, or catch up on the enjoyable things you’ve missed out on. Even if you feel that you’re too busy, add some personal time to your schedule.

Image Credits: Emma Matthews Digital Content Production

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