Planning For Creating A Basement? 6 Things You Must Consider

in Home Improvement

When most people think of a basement, they think of a damp, dark area under the house that’s likely the most inhospitable room in the house. However, a basement can be so much more than that. With a little planning and knowledge, your basement can be something truly amazing. Let’s take a look at six essential tips for creating a basement that you can be proud of.

  1. Consider What Kind of Basement You Want

A basement can be many things. It can be a storage area. It can be a “man cave.” It can be a hobby room, a weight lifting room, a game room, and so much more. A basement can literally be anything you dream of.

The key here is to have a clear vision of what you want before you begin building. Take the time to plan out what’s going to go where, and how the logistics of the pipes, wiring, and other such things will play out. Getting the planning done is half the battle, so make sure you do it right.

  1. Don’t Forget About Insulation

This could apply to any additional room you build for your house, but it’s extra easy to forget when it comes to making a new basement. Whether you plan on using your basement for storage, or for activities that will keep you down there for any length of time, you’re going to want to make sure it is temperature-controlled.

The first and most obvious answer to this issue is to make sure the basement has proper insulation. Maybe people skip this because they think “oh, it’s just a basement.” But adding insulation isn’t that much more expensive, and will make the room a much more comfortable place to be during the hot summer months, and the cold winter months.

  1. Heating and Air Conditioning

For further temperature control in your new basement, you will want to consider how the heating and air conditioning will work. Is it practical to divert your current heating/air conditioning system to your basement? Or would it be best to purchase individual indoor heating/air conditioning unites for it?

Once again this comes down to what you’re going to use your basement for, how often you’ll be in it, and whether or not you need strict temperature control. If you plan on turning your basement into any kind of room your be frequenting, or storing temperature-sensitive items in it, then consider making sure you have a way to strictly control the temperature.

  1. Moisture Control

Without proper moisture control, a basement can get pretty dank and nasty in no time. The last thing you want is mould and fungi growing in your basement, so make sure that you have a way to control the amount of moisture that builds up. In many cases, a simple dehumidifier will work fine. However, if the moisture is coming from something like seepage, or a plumbing leak, you may need to look into more advanced methods of keeping your basement’s moisture under control such as pipe relining. Companies like DBI Ltd can help with damp proofing.

  1. Call the Pros For Professional Touch

Compared to adding other rooms to your home, building a basement is fairly easy. However, if you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to call the professionals, such as excavator attachment hire, to help. Remember, it’s always better to do it right the first time, even if you have to rely on hired help.

  1. City Codes

Before you build your basement make sure you check with your city to see if you need any permits. This may seem like a hassle but it will save you a lot of trouble in the end. This especially applies to the plumbing and electrical work that you’ll be doing.

Flooding Prevention

Speaking of excess moisture, flooding is always a danger when you have a basement. Of course, it’s always best to prevent flooding before it starts, rather tries and deal with a flooded basement and all the water damage.

One of the most effective methods to stop basement flooding is to divert water away from your home using gutters and drainage systems. You can also install a sump pump to keep flooding under control if it does happen and prevent thousands of dollars worth of damage. Here are more tips on how to prevent basement flooding.

Regardless of your decision, have fun building your basement. This is a project that can take a while to complete so enjoy it while it lasts, and be proud of your work when you’re finished.

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