Prepare Financially for Your Senior Years

in Health & Well-being

We all want to think that we will be able to take care of ourselves, but there will come a point when we will all need some support mentally, physically and financially. When faced with this, will you and those around you be able to get through it comfortably?

This may not be a question you want to consider – but it is important to be prepared. You never know what is around the corner and being ready for it could make a difficult situation that little bit easier.

Money Advice Service found that almost one third (32%) of UK adults have experienced a serious financial shock in the past five years, but only a third (35%) had the right insurance in place to cushion the financial blow.

For this reason it is important to build up a savings fund or consider relevant insurance policies to safeguard yourself and your loved ones against financial trauma. As you get older and working is no longer an option, it is even more important to have the right policy in place should anything happen when you aren’t earning.

Having the right insurance will give you peace of mind, but what insurance is right for you? The infographic below will help you to make the correct financial choices, whatever your stage of life.

Protecting Your WorldProtecting Your World

by the Money Advice Service

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