Prioritize Yourself: A Self-Care Checklist for Mental Health Days

in Health & Well-being

Did you know massage therapy has physical and emotional benefits? If you want to learn about other self care activities to try, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over a self care checklist. Improve your mental health by trying out the items below.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Add Exercise to Your Routine

Work out for 30 minutes, five days a week. You might consider exercise an unpleasant chore. Think about fun activities, and try to do those instead.

If you like to go swimming, get a pass to your local pool. Call a friend up and meet them for a bike ride or walk instead of the pub or coffee shop. Join a recreational sports team.

Eat Nutritious Food

Aim to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Don’t forget about drinking water throughout the day, so you stay hydrated.

Try to cut back on processed and fast food. Bring nutritious snacks to work, so you aren’t tempted to stop at a driveway on the way home.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Each night, try to get between seven to nine hours of sleep. Your health, concentration, and mood will become affected if you don’t get quality sleep.

Improve the quality of your sleep. Quit using electronics an hour before bed, and make your room as dark as possible. Even on the weekends, you’ll want to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

Go See a Therapist

Stress impacts your physical and mental health negatively. Spend time thinking about how you can handle stressors in your life better.

Counseling is an essential part of self-care for a lot of people. Work through your mental health symptoms with a professional. Your therapist will help you understand your symptoms, and you’ll see an improvement.

Professional support helps even if you don’t have specific symptoms. Don’t let problems build up, but instead talk things through with a therapist. You’ll have a safe space to voice any concerns you have.

Spend Time with Friends

Most people need to spend time with others. People’s social needs will depend on their personality and other factors.

Do you feel lonely? You might need to spend more time connecting with others. Ask a close friend if they would like to go to the spa. Learn more about the benefits of an organic facial.

If you feel irritable or overwhelmed when around people, make alone time a priority.

Unwind at Home

Do you feel overwhelmed or close to burn out? Consider spending a personal day at home and disengage from work. You could create a space in your home where you can go retreat to when you need space.

Make sure you spend time pursuing a favorite hobby or pastime. Spending time unwinding will help you relax.

Boost Your Mental Health With This Self Care Checklist

We hope this guide on self-care was helpful. Now that you have a self care checklist, start some new habits. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule, exercise, and eat nutritious meals.

Browse our other helpful resources on fitness, health, and more.

Image Credits: Matt Flores

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