S.E.F. – M-O-E Remixed and Exclusive Free Track Download

in Music

M-O-E Remixed was released just a few hours ago, as you can probably guess, this features remixes of a track called “M-O-E” from S.E.F.’s Autonomy EP, which was released on Switched On Records last November.

It’s no secret that I’ve been working on mastering one huge amount of material for Lost & Found lately as well as working on a remix of my own to release alongside one of his on an upcoming single, but due to a tight deadline on S.E.F.’s M-O-E Remixed, Lost & Found’s own mastering was what ended up on the record due to a last minute change on behalf of S.E.F. in regards to which remix from Lost & Found he preferred.

The remix that I mastered for Lost & Found is now available to download free of charge from Previous Magazine in exchange for an email address, tweet or Facebook like. Grab this if you’re into chunky bass lines and massive lead synths! A lot of time and love went into crafting this remix and the master of it, it’s the perfect additional to M-O-E Remixed, it’s now my not-so-secret favourite remix that Lost & Found did of it! These tracks should be enjoyed as a complete body of work, it is just such a diverse collection of tracks thanks to each producer putting his signature style on this record, there’s a version of M-O-E for every set or mood.

[pwal id=”39349264″ description=”Download this exclusive remix of M-O-E from Lost & Found for free with a share on your favourite social network and then refresh this page!”]Right click and save M-O-E (Alternative Lost & Found Remix) to download.[/pwal]

M-O-E Remixed features a “Recession Proof Mix” by S.E.F. along with a remix from Lost & Found and a third remix by MA1. MA1 brings an upbeat and energetic remix, quite the contrast to S.E.F.’s darker and harder hitting “Recession Proof” expansion to his original “M-O-E” track, and Lost & Found delivers a tough and funky yet classy track drawing on his roots in garage. If you’re into deep house then make sure to check this out, M-O-E Remixed is available exclusively from Beatport until June 17th when it is then available through Amazon and iTunes.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/4561279″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”315″ iframe=”true” /]

We’re looking forward to the next EPs from S.E.F. and Lost & Found, if you are too then follow S.E.F.,  Lost & Found and MA1 on Twitter as well as liking them on their respective Facebook pages as Switched On Records to Lost & Found to follow their releases.

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