Seven Ways to Make Your Fleet Greener

in Business

Paying attention to the environment is one of the many responsibilities of every fleet operator. The reduction of the emission of CO2 by 80% when compared to the levels of emission in 1990 is one of the targets of the UK. In fact, the country expects to achieve this in the year 2050.

There is a prediction that the temperature of the globe will increase by over 2°C in a few years. Hence, the reason why the government believes that this one goal will be a great step in preventing this temperature rise. Over 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the UK are from transportation, thus the need for fleet operators to take positive actions.

Tips to Make Your Fleet Greener

Here are seven great tips to help make your fleet greener;

  • Be Realistic When Facing Your Options: One may begin to think that radically overhauling their fleet will help save the world. However, a specialist indicated the need for company car operators to carefully think about their needs. He urged them to be realistic when it comes to having minimal environmental impact vehicles that attain their goals. Another specialist emphasized the need to balance the preservation of the environment and their business requirements.
  • Use Government Grants: Achieving the emission target on or before 2050 is a serious goal for the UK government, hence the introduction of grants for individuals who want to buy green technology—with an emphasis on the automotive sector. It is advisable to take advantage of these grants. They will help you reduce the cost of operations without giving up the mission to save the planet. Learn more about this from Eye Ride.
  • Make Use of Tax Incentives: A tax system that encourages the uptake of green vehicles has also been put in place by the government. This implies that companies can offset the total cost of taxes to purchase a car that is eco-friendly in the first year after purchase. This will help companies save costs and make their fleet greener.
  • Avoid Asking Too Much From Your Employees: Pushing your drivers to cover as much distance as they can in a day will guarantee more emissions from your fleet. This implies that our planet will be safer if you take good care of your employees who are on the road.
  • Train Your Drivers: You should invest in training your drivers on eco-friendly and safe driving. Between 10-20% of fuel consumption can be saved when you encourage driving safely.
  • Use the Best Innovation and Tech on Your Fleet: There are a few technologies that can be employed to make your fleet eco-friendly. For instance, technologies that allow an adaptive cruise control feature will cut down speeding and save fuel.
  • Remember Your Grey Fleet: More than 20% of carbon emission that an average rental or company car emits come from grey fleet cars. Most grey fleet cars are about 8 years old, and minimizing the number of trips they run will help save the planet.

Make sure that you always ensure that your company’s green fleet goals are implemented whenever your fleet cars are on the road.

Image Credits: chuttersnap

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