Something Green: Sustainable Ideas To Host An Eco-Friendly Wedding Day

in Lifestyle

Planning a wedding is a unique experience. Small details such as the jewelry the bride is wearing, the choice of boutonnière for the groom and his groomsmen and the place settings for the meals undergo careful consideration.

Each year the wedding industry will see different trends couples will use for their special day. In today’s environmentally conscious world, more couples are looking into planning an eco-friendly wedding. Finding ways to create a greener wedding is becoming a common trend in the wedding industry and is likely to stay for the foreseeable future.

If you are looking for something green for your wedding, here are a few sustainable ideas to host an eco-friendly wedding day that you will cherish.

Limit Number Of Guests

Starting with one of the challenging tasks of planning a wedding, choosing who to invite. Of course, every couple will want all of their loved ones to be able to attend their special day. However, certain factors might prevent this from occurring, such as limited space at the venue or an incredibly common one – the costs involved for each guest. The cost of guests can vary depending on location, what food is offered and other small details.

Limiting the number of guests in attendance can help keep the day’s overall costs low. However, reducing the number of guests helps minimize how much waste is produced from your special day and limits how many people are travelling to attend. Although it might be challenging to decide on the final guest list, it can help you host the eco-friendly wedding day of your dreams.

Send Out Virtual Invites

Sending out wedding invites can be a time-consuming task. It also uses a lot of paper that might be recycled after the wedding. To reduce how much paper is used, and wasted, look at sending virtual invites. These are effective and efficient ways to invite loved ones to your special day.

Take a look at this selection of virtual invitations from Greenvelope. You can send virtual invitations for your wedding and save the date notes to those you wish to invite. One of the many benefits of sending a virtual invitation to guests is how simple it is to design and send. It is another way to help you save money for your special day whilst also using innovative ways to make the day and the lead-up as sustainable as possible.

Find Sustainable Party Favors

Party favors are a small token of gratitude to guests for attending the wedding and being part of the newlyweds’ special day. For many weddings, newlyweds have gifted their guests with sweet treats in cellophane bags. However, these cellophane bags are terrible for the environment. When planning an eco-friendly wedding, they should certainly be something to avoid.

Fortunately, there are plenty of sustainable party favors that you can choose from. You might decide to keep the costs down by making party favors yourself by reusing old jars to make hot chocolate kits, or you might fill small bottles with various flavors of gin. There are also many small businesses that create sustainable party favors. These are worth considering or seeing if they are something you could do yourself.

Consider Transport To Venues

The location of the wedding venue can be a challenge for many soon-to-be newlyweds. They want to find a place to help them bring their visions to life. Some want the location to be in a secluded area, where they will have privacy for their special day. Others might choose a place with the amenities they need but at a price that suits their budget, and all will consider how guests will get to and from the wedding.

Depending on your budget, consider offering a shuttle service for guests to and from the venue. Many guests will appreciate the shuttle service as they do not have to organize transport to and from the wedding. Offering a shuttle service for guests helps reduce the number of cars used to transport guests to the wedding. Alternatively, consider encouraging guests to travel with others to the venue on the wedding invitations. This could be offering to drive other guests if there is space in the car or looking at booking a minibus if a few people are travelling to the venue from the same location. Any of these options can help to make your wedding a little more sustainable.

Planning A Wedding To Remember

As you can see, you can find countless ways to help plan an eco-friendly wedding. With sustainable wedding trends increasing, you can find places to buy ethical wedding dresses and suits and venues that promote sustainability. Incorporating as many of these into your wedding planning can help you to host an eco-friendly wedding, one that you will remember and cherish the memories made.

Image Credits: Clem Onojeghuo

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