Staying Safe While on Holiday

in Travel

Going on holiday is your time to relax, but that doesn’t mean that you should completely let your guard down. Your holiday should be an enjoyable experience, but travelling can be unsafe if you aren’t aware of the dangers around you. In this article, I’ll be exploring some of the ways you can stay safe on holiday so you can have the best experience possible.

Don’t carry all your valuables at once

Carrying all of your valuables at once makes you a target for thieves and muggers.

Make two photocopies of any important documents, such as your passport, bank cards, visa, driver’s license, insurance documents, health documents and prescription information, plane tickets and booking information. Keep the original documents in your hotel safe, keep one copy with your luggage, and keep the other set photocopied documents with you. It might also be a good idea to email a copy to yourself and to a family member.

Carrying around things like tablets or laptops and large cameras also makes you a target for thieves. Keep them hidden away or locked up in your hotel room. Leave some spare cash or a card at the hotel in case of an emergency. If you’re planning on simply walking around and enjoying the sights, leave your designer outfits and expensive jewellery at home. If there’s a piece of jewellery you can’t live without, then try not to flash it in public.

If it’s not a necessity, then it’s best that you don’t bring it with you.

Travel safely

Always know how you’re going to get safely from point A to point B.

Avoid walking alone. Stick with the buddy system or if you do walk alone, try to be inconspicuous. There are some places where it’s not safe to travel by foot, so you may need to get public transportation. Read up on what other travellers have said about their experiences on transportation such as buses, trains and trams and ferries.

When it comes to getting a ride to and from the airport, airport taxis are much better than black cabs. You can book airport taxis in advance, so you’ll have peace of mind knowing that someone will be there to pick you up and you won’t have to look around for a cab. They’re great for when you’re travelling alone or with several people, and you’ll also avoid paying a fortune or getting tricked by an unreliable cab driver. Never get into an unmarked taxi and only use a trusted taxi service like Fat Taxi. This taxi service company charges per vehicle rather than per ride, which makes it really cheap when you’re travelling as a group. We hope businesses like this grow even more in the future, so that people can enjoy cheaper taxi services abroad.

Stay at a recommended hotel

Before you book your accommodation, check out online reviews of the hotel or hostel. It’s also a good idea to check out reviews of the local area, to make sure you’re staying in a reputable place. Stay away from cheap accommodation in dodgy neighbourhoods. Many nights of researching ‘Phnom Penh hotels‘ await you!

Before you go out and about, write down the name, address and number of your hotel in your language and the language of the country you’re staying in. That way you can call the hotel if you need anything and you can ask other people for directions if you get lost.

Tell your friends and family where you are

Let your family and friends know where you’ll be staying and where you’re going before you leave home. Keep them updated while you’re away, so that you can share your vacation adventures with them, but also so they know where you are in case you become ill or are in an accident.

Don’t post your every move on your blog or social media. This makes it easier for people to track you and predict where you’ll be next. This will make you a target for people like thieves and sex traffickers. Not only will it make it easier for bad people track you, but it also informs other people that you won’t be at home. This means that your home will be a target for burglars too.

Be aware of your surroundings

Being aware of your surroundings is very important, not matter where you go on holiday. Keep an eye on your personal belongings and keep and eye out for people who are following you. Avoid going out at night, if possible. If you do decide to go out after dark, stay in well populated and lit areas. Try to blend in and familiarise yourself with the area. You’ll look like a tourist if you’re wandering around confusedly while carrying a map of the local area.

Make sure you don’t drink too much. Alcohol can impair your judgement and that can make you feel safer than you really are. You should also keep an eye on your drink too, in case someone tries to slip something in it.

You should also make a note of who to call in emergency situations, such as the police, hospital and local embassy.

Image Credits: Pixabay

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