Technologies Your Company Needs for Remote Working

in Business, Technology

It’s safe to say remote working is here to stay, as many companies have adopted it since the pandemic. Now, an estimated 30% of Britain’s workforce works remotely at least once a week. Remote working is a mainstay of the modern workplace because it is a win-win for employees and companies alike. Employees feel happier and more productive when working remotely, and businesses avoid several costs when their staff do their jobs outside the office. However, your company needs to adopt the right technology if it wants to allow remote working. Here are some of the best technologies your enterprise needs for remote working.

Project management tools

Remote workers are dispersed across various locations, so they are more difficult to manage without technological assistance. Fortunately, project management tools simplify the task of overseeing all your workers and their workflows despite not being in a physical office space. Effective project management tools can help you quickly assign tasks to workers with specific guidelines. In addition, they come in handy for regularly reminding employees of their due work. Asana is one of the most popular project management solutions for remote work because it allows you to plan and coordinate projects effortlessly. This tool also helps you receive and send weekly status reports and give feedback to each employee.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is one of the non-negotiable technologies your company needs to sustain a remote working culture. Many businesses are leveraging the many benefits of the cloud, partly explaining why the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) estimates that the UK has an 88% cloud adoption rate. Cloud computing platforms allow you to recreate your workspace in a virtual environment, offering application management, storage, support, security, data analysis, and many more. Remote workers love the cloud because they can access it anywhere on any device. Additionally, it is scalable and cost-effective. However, when deciding which platform is best for your business, you will have to deal with the age-old question, will you use private or public cloud?

Video conferencing tools

Phone conferencing solutions are a thing of the past due to the introduction of a better communication method: video. As such, many organisations are rightly incorporating video conferencing tools into their work processes. Video conferencing tools establish real-time two-way communication with groups, enhancing communication and collaboration between remote workers. These solutions help you conduct virtual meetings with your remote staff to engage them and build team spirit. Indeed, 87% of remote workers say they feel more connected and involved with teams and projects when using video conferencing.

Instant messaging

Real-time communication is key in any remote workplace, and email is often not the greatest way to communicate when you require a rapid response. The majority of people reportedly respond to work-related emails within two hours. Thankfully, professional instant messaging tools like Twist, Google Hangouts Chat, and Slack offer direct messaging features that ensure messages can be sent and received immediately. Therefore, these tools are necessary to ensure that sluggish employees have no excuse to take 12 hours or longer to respond to essential messages.

Image Credits: cottonbro

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