The case for probiotics: improving your gut flora – and why it’s important

in Food & Drink

Gut flora. Frankly, it’s a term that gives the impression you’ve got flowers growing in your intestines. Well, in a way, that’s not a million miles from the truth. Because what gut flora refers to is the living bacterial micro-organisms that exist – ever since birth – in your digestive system. Yes, don’t fret, we all have them; billions of them, actually. And, although they might be referred to as bacteria, they’re far from all harmful.

In fact, the ‘good’ bacteria among them should outweigh the ‘bad’; we need more of the good to offset the bad – when this isn’t the case we often get familiar digestive complaints and even proper illness. ‘Good’ bacteria then (resulting in balanced gut flora) are definitely a good thing.

Specifically, the function of good, friendly bacteria is to convert the fibre in the food we eat into short-chain fatty acids, in order to synthesise particular vitamins and support the immune system. It’s important work, for sure; if undermined, it defeats some of the objects of us eating anything in the first place.

Probiotic benefits

So how do probiotics fit into all this? Well, first things first. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that, when consumed by us either in nutrient-rich foods or supplements, can boost the levels of our ‘good’ bacteria and restore that all-important gut flora balance. In fact, when consumed in large enough quantities, probiotics are often cited as providing a number of different health benefits for the gut – and beyond.

And, handily, many of the probiotic supplements you’ll discover available – should you do a quick online search at somewhere like The Finchley Clinic – are made up of a combination of various strains of probiotic that can do different health-benefitting things. Which isn’t surprising because studies have found that certain probiotic strains are more effective at combatting certain conditions. So, while many probiotics can do much that’s good for you, you’re well advised to seek out the right probiotic supplement to gain the right result based on your complaint or pre-existing condition.

Combatting constipation – and more

A good example of the great work probiotics can do is how they help the friendly bacteria to treat and thwart the common digestive complaint that’s constipation. Distinguished by infrequent and painful bowel movements (or often a lack thereof, but lots of discomfort), constipation can, for some people, become a chronic problem – and is often linked, with other symptoms, to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Now, for decades, medication like laxatives and stool softeners have been available in the form of pills, yet these solutions aren’t always good for the gut in other ways and both health professionals and patients have, in recent years, shown an inclination to rely less on drugs for treating every ailment. The answer in some cases then has to been a combination of dietary changes (cutting out constipation-causing foods and drinks and replacing them with nutrient-rich ingredients) and probiotic supplements.

Tackling candida – and more

So, all this sounds great, sure; but what about an actual example of a successful probiotic supplement? Well, have you ever heard of Threelac (or its sister product Fivelac)? If you’re prone to suffer from infections of candida and other kinds of yeast, maybe you should have. That’s because to buy Threelac and try it, is to experience one of the market-leading probiotic supplements dedicated to this particular condition.

Experts and customers agree that its three forms of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sporogenes, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus faecalis) are highly efficient at purging the intestinal tract of the parasitic, fungal form of candida, as well as effective at crowding out offer harmful dysbiotic micro-organisms.

But don’t just take this blogger’s word for it; take a look at these unsolicited and unedited reviews of Threelac – and see why so many people who’ve tried it are convinced it’s the probiotic supplement to treat their condition and suit their digestive system!

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