The Efficiency of an Online Permit Portal

in Software

Technology has become a part of our everyday lives. In the same way we wake up every day and brush our teeth, we use technology without even realizing it. You can almost do anything using technology and the internet, from watching a movie when you’re bored to getting medicines when you’re sick, to attending school online or applying for permits online.

When we have such fast access to everything, there’s no point in standing in a long queue in front of a government office to process a permit. You can use just the online permit portal instead. There are few setbacks in the traditional methods and the semi-automated paper-based permit system. There can be long delays and the reviews and the acceptance level can take a lot of time to finish.

Also, you have to go in person every time to check about any new updates. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort from various people, but all this trouble can be replaced with the use of an online permit portal.

Using this not only makes the citizen’s lives easier, but it also makes the manager’s work very simple and hassle free. There are a lot of benefits when it comes to using an online permit portal. A few among them are;

  • Saves time
  • Saves money
  • The speed is high processing
  • Accountability
  • Enhances your satisfaction
  • No paperwork

Saves Time

Using this portal will help people fill out forms in a single go. Filling, paying, and submission through the portal can be done quickly. All these things can be done at the same time on the website.

If this was done in the traditional way, you would have to go to the government office, stand in a queue, contact the appropriate government officials, wait for them to respond, and travel to the office many more times to complete the process. Alternatively, when you use the online portal, it’s very easy and cost-effective.

Saves Money

Every time you go there, you will have to spend money on something or the other, for example, petrol. On the other hand, when you use the online permit portal, all these expenses can be cut down. All you have to do is turn on your laptop or phone, log in to the portal, and check if your permit is approved. It is as simple as that.

The High Processing Speed

Dealing with a pile of paperwork is not an easy job. You’ve got to maintain a huge bunch of papers when you follow the traditional method. The effectiveness of the work done is reduced and the turnaround time is increased. With the online method, you can say goodbye to paperwork as all the details regarding this can be turned into a digital format.

Online permit portals require all the necessary information that has to be submitted and then, it updates you with everything you need to know. You can also be easily notified of any delays though the portal.


Every official’s accountability is looked over and reported to the higher officials through the online portal. You can be assured that the process with be completed seamlessly and you will have a clear depiction of all that you need to know. The portal will also locate the mistakes and helps the government to work on them. As this method is the easiest and most efficient way of doing dealing with permits, it enhances your satisfaction.

Using digital methods is beneficial for the environment and making use of the online permit portal will make the whole process very simple and economic.

Image Credits: Scott Graham

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