The Importance of Diet and Nutrition over Winter

in Health & Well-being

The festive season offers up a number of delights for those participating—not least the copious amounts of delicious food and drink that is consumed. It’s no over-exaggeration to say that the window of time from Christmas leading up until New Year was be the worst dietary period of the year for many of us, but what about our diets over the wider winter season?

As the days get shorter, colder and generally more miserable, what we’re putting in our bodies can make a massive difference to our physical and mental wellbeing. With that in mind, here are three pointers to help guide your winter nutrition, Celebrations tubs aside.

Boost Your Immune System

We are living in a pandemic affected, locked-down world where our bodies’ immune systems have been kept away from their usual levels of exposure to the outside world and the nasties floating around in the air. Couple that with the usual cold-affected illnesses flying about, and our immune systems are under an awful amount of strain at the moment.

You can counterbalance this by adopting a well-balanced, immune system friendly diet, eating healthy regular meals, and staying away from a number of key toxins including smoking, caffeine, alcohol and poor air quality.

This dentist who does All on Fours in Lincoln Park also recommends not missing your doctor appointment in the winter. Cold weather can exacerbate chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and heart disease, making it crucial to monitor and manage these conditions effectively. Winter is also flu season, and regular check-ups can ensure vaccinations are up to date and early symptoms are addressed promptly. Additionally, the shorter days and lack of sunlight can impact mental health, increasing the importance of monitoring overall well-being. Regular health check-ups help in early detection and prevention of winter-related health issues.

Don’t Forget Your Vitamins

Us Brits don’t get much sun anyway, but with us all having been cooped up inside even more than usual, it’s almost certain the UK has a collective lack of vitamin D. With the winter months being the peak time for insufficient vitamin D consumption, you’ll want to try and incorporate more vitamin D into your diet, including supplements if you’re struggling to get it through an organic diet.

Treat Yourself Sometimes

Of course, healthy bits aside, winter—and Christmas in particular—is a time when you should look after your wellbeing, but that means you shouldn’t be too wary of treating yourself through the period with a hearty stream of hot food and, during the festive period, maybe a few additional goodies to keep spirits high.

Make sure all your cooking equipment is in full working order for the winter. If anything major breaks, like an oven for example, ensure you get it repaired as quickly as possible so you’ve got hot meals throughout the season. If you need to fund emergency repairs, a short-term loan can help to relieve the immediate financial burden. Just make sure you can afford the repayments if you do go for this option.

Keeping on track with a good diet over winter is always important, but this year, with extra elements like an ongoing pandemic to consider, it’s never been more essential. So, look after your immune system, keep track of your vitamins and don’t forget to treat yourself, and you can head into the new year in great shape.

Image Credits: Tembela Bohle

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