The Most Budget Friendly Ways to Transport Your Vehicle

in Automobiles

Having to transport a vehicle can be a real headache. If your car has broken down, you are without a license, or simply do not want to drive your car, you may have to have your vehicle transported for you. Having your vehicle transported can be very expensive, which is why this page will tell you the most budget-friendly way that you can transport your vehicle. It is important to add before beginning the article, that you must only have your vehicle transported by professional and trustworthy companies.

Allowing your vehicle into the hands of an unscrupulous or untrustworthy company could lead to a potential disaster. Here are the most budget-friendly ways to transport your vehicle.


Having your vehicle towed is possibly the cheapest option on this list, depending on the circumstances. If you are covered by a vehicle insurance provider then you can likely have your vehicle towed as part of your policy. The professional vehicle towers of say that having your vehicle towed should be one hundred percent hassle-free, and it should. If your vehicle isn’t covered, then paying for it to be towed will still not break the bank, and it can be a very effective method of having your vehicle transported from place to place on a budget.

Open Transport Carriers

Open transport carriers are the safest method of having your vehicle transported. They work by having your car lifted into a trailer and transported anywhere in the country (or world). Open transport, however, can be very expensive. It is also difficult to have a single car transported, as car transporters often transport many at a time. Even if you do find one, you can expect to pay huge fees to have your car transported – if you have the money, however, then it can be a very safe and effective method of transport.

Ship Off-Season

Having your car shipped out of season is the best way to cut down costs. The busiest months in the shipping industry are the summer months and the slowest winter months. If you want to cut down the cost, have your car shipped between December and January. You can likely have the cost reduced by up to forty percent providing you ship during those months, which can be a huge amount of savings.

Be Flexible

Flexibility can save you a lot of money. If you do not need it urgently shipped and do not need it at a certain time, you should be able to find much cheaper deals. Flexibility will save you a ton of money providing this is the case, and should you not need everything done immediately, will be able to make huge savings.

Drive it Yourself

Driving the car yourself can be, above all, the cheapest mode of transport. Simply paying the petrol costs and driving is the most effective and easiest way; if your car is driveable, then reconsider and drive it yourself.


Now you know how to find the cheapest mode of vehicle transport. Transporting your vehicle can be very difficult sometimes, but with this page, you should be able to reduce the stress and do it for a low cost.

Image Credits: Dan Meyers, Xan Griffin

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