The Most Effective Skincare Trends to Try

in Beauty

Thanks to a growing body of research, the importance of good skincare has never been more apparent. The largest protective organ of your body deserves thoughtful, comprehensive care in order to function properly–and look good no matter your age. The skincare industry has grown with impressive momentum, and there are many products dedicated to helping you achieve your best skin ever.

Not all skincare trends are worth their salt, however, but many products and methods live up to their claims. Keep reading for some of the best skincare trends to invest in for the clear, beautiful, healthy and firm skin you’ve always wanted.

All-Natural Ingredients

Many skincare ingredients aren’t actually as good for your skin as the labels may claim. Ingredient efficacy can range from barely beneficial to downright detrimental for your overall skin health. These ingredients are often added as fillers or supplementary ingredients in many formulas, so each company’s label can still technically claim the benefits of the valuable ingredients their formulas do have.

In response, the skincare industry has seen a boom in formulas with nature-derived ingredients such as almond oil, charcoal, bentonite clay, aloe, hemp-derived CBD oil, green tea, vitamin C and fruit extracts. These ingredients harness the power of nature to cleanse, soothe, and prevent free radical damage.

Minimal Skin Care

Many skincare enthusiasts swear by their twice daily, seven step routines, but complicated regimens aren’t always necessary for healthy, beautiful skin. Many dermatologists and experts have suggested that less is sometimes more, and minimal skincare routines with only a few steps have seen a surge in recent popularity. This trend emphasizes wearing less makeup, using gentle cleansers (or even just a rinse with water in some cases) and products that both moisturize and provide skin health-boosting benefits.

Soothing Regimens

Your skin goes through a lot throughout each day, and modern skincare regimens are a lot less harsh than they used to be. Because there are a multitude of skin types, personalized products designed to soothe and support your individual skin’s needs also work to minimize the effects of both internal and external stress that show up through your skin. Skin-calming ingredients such as lavender derivatives, ginseng, vanilla, aloe and adaptogens like ashwagandha and eleuthero calm your nervous system and soften, heal and support your skin at the same time.


Not all steps in your skincare routine need to be topically applied. No matter how great your skincare products are, it’s important to approach your skin health from the inside, too. Trendy skincare enthusiasts recommend drinking plenty of water, eating a nutritious diet and adding a few supplements with skin-supporting nutrients to your routine. Supplements designed to boost your skin health are most often taken orally, and contain ingredients that have been shown to boost collagen production, increase skin elasticity and expedite cell turnover.

Sustainable Brands

The threats of climate change and environmental disruptions have caused a ripple effect in a variety of industries around the world, and the skincare world is no different. Plastic packaging, testing on animals, and artificially produced chemicals have been recognized as being harmful for the environment, and many skincare brands have sought to reduce their environmental footprint by rethinking the way they package and produce their products. Many skincare formulas are now contained in zero waste, recyclable packaging and contain eco-friendly sustainable ingredients that place less stress on Mother Nature.

pH Balancing Systems

Many of the popular skincare systems of decades past may have proven effective at reducing acne or clearing away dead skin cells, but the skin has a natural protective barrier, as well as its own balance of chemicals, that are disrupted by some ingredients. Several modern skincare systems aim to work with the chemical balance of your skin rather than against it, and work to restore the harmony of beneficial bacteria, natural oils and to support your skin’s natural microbiome, which reduces the need for harsh chemicals, complicated routines and popular, but often intense, skin interventions.

Image Credits: Audrey Fretz

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