Thinking About Learning A Classical Instrument? Try The Clarinet

in Music

Do you like classical instruments? Have you always thought it would be cool to know how to play one? Then we highly recommend you start with learning how to hold and play a clarinet. It’s a great and highly versatile instrument, and knowing how to play it can take you far in any musical endeavours you’re thinking about signing up to.

Indeed, the clarinet has long been a favourite of the music industry; The Beatles themselves used it in many of their big hits, including ‘When I’m 64’, which also uses multiple clarinets to make up the final melody. Even jazz musicians like Steely Dan loved the clarinet, and their 1980 album ‘Gaucho’ used the clarinet multiple times throughout the track listing.

But where do you start with learning the clarinet? Such a classical instrument requires dedicated practice, no? Well not quite; it’s just like any other instrument, and the more passion you have for it, the better your results will be in a few months’ time. However, we also know it can be incredibly intimidating to just pick up a clarinet, and you’ll need some advice.

Which is why we’ve brought you this infographic. Learning the clarinet doesn’t have to be as hard as you thought, and the top 10 tips contained in this infographic will go a long way to ensuring you become an expert in no time. Of course, ensure you put the work in, but make sure you keep the points below in mind as well.

Top 10 Tips to Playing the Clarinet Infographic

Image Credits: Adam Cai, Top 10 Tips to Playing the Clarinet

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