Tips and Tricks for Quick Plumbing Repair at Home

in Home Improvement

On average, 9,400 gallons of water go to waste annually due to household leaks. That’s a significant loss and dent to a homeowner’s pocket every year. To curb the shortage, every owner must ensure that they attend to plumbing problems as soon as they arise. Most of these damages often start as a minor leak in the kitchen faucet, bathroom, or plumbing joints that anyone can repair. If not attended to quickly, they can aggravate and lead to significant problems, calling for costly plumbing repair.

When to Call a Plumber

Most plumbers from different regions often charge $80 or more per hour of service. If a homeowner understands plumbing systems’ basic functioning and has primary repair skills, they can save a lot from minor damages. Issues like repairing a blocked toilet, and finding and correcting sneaky leaks around showers, bathtubs, and bathrooms are some of the common DIY-services that may not require a professional.

However, damages involving pipes running through the walls and under the ground take some hassle to locate and correct. While a DIY-er can still correct them, they may need a little more patience, take a lot of time, and require more knowledge and instructions since they aren’t easily accessible. If the homeowner has time to invest, is ready to learn, and has the patience, he can take up the task. If the reverse is the case, however, it’s better to hire a professional.

Similarly, most plumbing repairs require specific tools to correct. In the case a homeowner lacks the essential tools, it’s advisable to avoid taking chances and hire an expert straight away.

How to Evaluate and Estimate the Extent of Plumbing Damage

Some plumbing problems, like a clogged drain, leaking joints, or blocked toilets, are easy to detect at first sight. It’s essential to follow up on the root cause of the problem before correcting it, especially if it keeps recurring. For instance, a recurrently leaking pipe may mean the system needs replacement and not repair.

If the problem isn’t plain, or the homeowner doesn’t know how to determine the extent, it’s safer to leave it to the hands of an expert. The same applies to frequently recurring damages.

Similarly, having a basic knowledge of how plumbing systems work can benefit every homeowner, whether they want to work with a professional or do it themselves. With the experience, the homeowner can articulately explain what troubles they have with their lines to the expert or the attendant at the home improvement shop and get the right tools.

How do Plumbing Systems Work?

Every home’s plumbing consists of various systems that either work separately or conjointly in some cases. The water supply system pumps water under pressure to the copper and galvanized-steel pipes that feed the plumbing fixtures, sprinklers, outdoor hose bibs, faucets, and other home appliances. As a result, the lines for home supply often work under pressure.

On the other hand, the waste and drain system depends on the force of gravity to flow. The pipes carrying water and waste to the sewers and septic systems do not work under any pressure. For smooth flow, the drain plumbing system incorporates vent piping to exhaust sewer gases (typically out of the roof) and equalize pressure inside the drains.

Many people often confuse gas piping with plumbing pipes. While these pipes look similar to the water supply piping, each works independently. The gas pipes supply gas-fired appliances with natural gas from the home’s utility.

A good percentage of plumbing problems are often easy to solve and require basic knowledge and household plumbing tools to correct. Several videos, written guides, and tutorials can offer instructions to anyone aspiring to do the less demanding repairs.

Image Credits: Steve Johnson

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