Tips for Creating an Online Refund Policy

in Software

Lately Bryan has been sketching up some new ideas for a clothing line we’re thinking about once we’re a little less busy with Dutious and releasing a record, it might be a spiritual successor to Clikyz or in fact a new range of Clikyz stuff, all we know is that we’ve got some collaborations with some fellow music artists planned as limited edition merchandise. In addition to that we’ve been thinking about what we would do differently with the website this time around as last time we were quite corporate and faceless compared to how we were in the years before that with Clikyz, we feel that the reason people get behind something is if they can see who the people are who create something as the values and staff of a company are often as important as the product itself when people choose to buy into a brand like Nike or Starbucks, it has to resonate with them, We’ve learned a lot since we read Thread’s Not Dead. Online shoppers have a wealth of options available to them, so you need to make shopping on your eCommerce site as attractive as possible. That means making your website easy to use, making your prices competitive, and emphasizing safety and security. A good returns and refunds policy is essential to make your shoppers feel at ease, and to encourage them to part with their money for goods they have not seen in advance, plus it is worth pointing out the UK distance-selling laws to your customers to further reassure them. If you refuse to accept returns, or have many caveats that make people think they could lose their money, then expect your sales to suffer.

Avoid threats

It is important that every aspect of your website is friendly and inviting from the UI to the language used on it, we excelled with UI with the most recent season of Clikyz in 2011, but we were very corporate with our use of language. Consumers need to know that they can expect the same service when returning an item as they received when purchasing that item in the first place, according to If your policy contains threatening language, including suggestions that you can refuse a return for any reason, or that there may be fees associated with the return if it is the customer’s fault, then you should not be surprised when consumers look for a friendlier company to do business with.

Avoid legal jargon

You need to speak the same language as your customers. That means you should cut the legal speak and all the technical jargon. When customers are reviewing your terms of service, they expect to understand the conditions of the sale. If there is any confusion, then there is an increased risk of losing sales. Keep all of the information as crisp and concise as possible. Do not bamboozle your customers, and pick your words with care; however, do not insult their intelligence either.

Be clear

You must be open and upfront about your returns policy. Make the policy easy to find and navigate to on your website. Customers who cannot find your terms of business will be inclined to look elsewhere. Lay out the terms neatly and explain them fully. Detail every element of the returns process: how the customer should return the item, how much time the customer has to return the item before you refuse a refund, and any fees (such as shipping) that you expect the customer to pay. Specify any additional requirements, such as the condition of the returned item. There shouldn’t be a way in which customers can misconstrue your terms—a free refund policy template can often prove as a good starting point and is helpful in this regard; it will not only help you cover the interests of your customers, while at the same time ensuring that none of the return policies can be misused against you or your business.

Make sure your staff are on the same page

Remember that potential customers may call your office rather than trying to find the information regarding refunds on your website. If this happens, your staff members need to have all the relevant information. It is no good if your employees are telling customers something completely different than what you published in your terms of business statement. Take the time to ensure you have provided ample training for everyone who speaks with customers on a regular basis, and that you have given your team the latest refund policy details; likewise, some people who work on a product may not be the best choice to have talking to potential customers about it. In addition, remember that changes to the policy only come into effect once you publish them for the customers. If you issue staff with a new policy guideline, make sure you publish it on your website and in any other printed materials as well as consistency is everything.

Be Fair

In most cases, savvy shoppers simply expect you to treat them fairly. If you word your policy in a clear, friendly, and reassuring manner, and offer a reasonable amount of time for customers to return items, then it is unlikely that there will be many problems. Just remember to keep your policy up to date if your terms of business change.

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