Top 5 Exhilarating Sports to Try in 2019

in Sport

January may have come and gone, but it’s not too late for a 2019 resolution. A great way to build confidence, increase your fitness levels and give you some well-needed respite from hand-held electronic devices is to try out a new sport.

Some of the most exhilarating sports out there are water-based and we’re lucky to be surrounded by incredible water sports facilities and gorgeous coastline in the UK. There are so many fantastic, dedicated centres out there to give you that initial encouragement you need. Equip yourself with a new men’s wetsuit from Wetsuit Centre and be ready to take on some of the below sports this year.

1. Surfing

Nothing quite beats the feeling of patiently waiting for the perfect wave and then being propelled forward with the spray in your face. Surfing boasts a whole host of benefits, such as increased cardiovascular fitness and shoulder and arm strength. Cornwall and North Devon remain some of the best places to surf in the UK and there are plenty of surf schools on the main beaches to get you started. However, being in the UK, you will want a wetsuit to help you brave those cold seas. You can find the suit and other gear at S2AS online.

2. Bodyboarding

If you don’t feel quite ready to surf yet, bodyboarding is another fantastic way to get that exhilarating feeling that only riding a wave gives you. Only very basic fitness levels are required (essentially just enough for you to be able to swim) but even then, you don’t have to go out of your depth. Once you’ve mastered the basics of catching a wave and riding it in, you can quickly start introducing a bit of style into the way you bodyboard.

3. Kayaking

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics are just around the corner and kayaking remains one of the most exhilarating sports you can watch. There are amazing canoe and kayak facilities right here in the UK where you can train like the Olympians do and try out a white water slalom course. It’s a fantastic way of building muscle mass in your back, arms, shoulder and chest. It’s ridiculously fun, too!

4. Barefoot water-skiing

One for the real thrill seekers, barefoot water-skiing is a high-octane, high-speed, extreme version of water-skiing without the skis! Still relatively unheard of in the UK, despite Britain producing some amazing professional talent, 2019 is a brilliant year to get involved and give it a try. With a few lessons, you could be ‘footing’ it across a lake at 25mph in no time (then it’s on to tricks such as Slalom and ramp jumps). Wherever you live in the UK, you will be closer than you may think to a water sports centre. Extreme water sporting at its finest.

5. Open water swimming

The feeling of waking up early in the morning and going for a swim in the sea or a lake is unrivalled. If you’re a keen swimmer, but fancy a new challenge, open water swimming might be the perfect new hobby for you. You’ll feel closer to nature, calmed and soothed as you swim along a coastline you love without the chlorine or screaming kids. Outdoor swimming events are on the ride thanks to the increasing popularity of more extreme sports challenges such as triathlons. If this is one for you in 2019, why not enrol yourself into a race. Typically starting at 750m, it’s a great way to increase your stamina.

Image Credits: Jay Mantri

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