Top Tips for Moving to a Colder Climate

in Lifestyle

Making the decision to move can be quite jarring, but once you’re settled, you can finally take some time to relax and enjoy your new home. While some people may dream of moving into a beachside house somewhere warm, others prefer colder weather. Who doesn’t want o wrap up warm and drink hot chocolate even in the summer? If you’re planning on moving to a colder climate, read on for some top tips for staying toasty.

Dress Appropriately

Beachwear won’t do if you’re moving to a place that’s cold year-round. You’ll need clothes that will keep you warm when you go out. In vest in a thick parka. You’ll want it to be fitted enough that the cold air doesn’t circulate, but not tight enough that you’re cutting off your circulation. Get a wooly hat, gloves and scarf, or a few of each to add some variety to your wardrobe. You’ll also want plenty of flannel shirts and wool jumpers to keep your warm. While the idea of long johns may not appeal to you, you’ll be grateful for having some thermal underwear when the cold weather hits you. You should also buy a sturdy and waterproof pair of snow boots. They’ll often have non-slip soles and will keep your feel warm too. It’s important to wear plenty of layers to prevent you from getting hypothermia.

Winterise Your Car

The cold weather can do more than cover your car in layers of ice and snow; it can actually damage it if you don’t take proper care of it. Take your car in for regular servicing whenever you think it needs it, and ask for your regular tires to be swapped out for snow tires so that you’ll have better traction when driving on icy roads. Check your engine oil level, since a lack of engine oil is one of the main causes of breakdowns. Make sure your radiator has a 50:50 ratio of water and antifreeze and check your battery often. Before you drive off anywhere, always let the engine warm up first. Make sure you always have a shovel, a squeegee, and a brush handy to remove snow from your car and to shovel away any snow that’s blocking your car. You should also keep emergency supplies in your car in case it breaks down, such as a blanket, plenty of water, food, a first aid kit and jumper cables. You should also make sure your phone is charged before you leave the house so you can call for help if you need to.

Protect Your Home from the Cold

There are may things you can do to protect your home from the cold. If you’re remodelling your house, you should add flooring underlay before laying down the flooring and invest in cavity wall and loft insulation to keep the cold out. You should also look into protecting your pipes to prevent them from freezing. If you look up “frost protection pipe” on the internet, you’re sure to find a solution for your home. If your new home has an older boiler, then you should consider getting a more efficient boiler. Set your thermostat at a consistent 18 degrees. It may increase your bills, but you can’t put a price on comfort. And as simple as it sounds, get yourself some heavy-duty black out blinds. You can keep them open during the afternoon, but in the mornings and evenings you’ll be amazed at how well they keep the heat in.

Prepare to Be Snowed In

There will be some setbacks to living in a colder climate, and being snowed in is one of them. This is something you will need to be prepared for, as you may get snowed in a far a few days. You home should be stocked with bottles of fresh water and non-perishable food. Get yourself a battery-operated radio and extra batteries, so you can listen for updates on the weather and have some flashlights read in case the power goes out. If this is something that regularly happens during the winter in the location you want to move to, then you may want to buy a kerosene heater and a backup generator. Keep some games and other fun activities in the house to keep yourself entertained. Instead of lazing around the house, find something to do. Rearrange your furniture or research the “best SEO services” to improve your blog.

Other Things You Can Do to Keep Yourself Warm

You’re going to feel miserable if you feel cold all the time, so you’ll need to find creative ways to keep yourself warm. Get yourself some draft excluders to put against the bottom of your doors and invest in a heated blanket that you can snuggle with on the couch. If you have hardwood, vinyl, or laminate flooring, then lay down some plush rugs to keep your feel warm. You’ll soon realise that hot water bottles are a must, and you can even get smaller ones that will fit in your pockets to keep your hands warm. And when it comes to bed time, wear thermal pyjamas and get out your thicker duvet.

You’ll find the move much more enjoyable if you are sufficiently prepared when you move in, so don’t let the cold weather stop your from enjoying your new home. If you’re having trouble determining whether moving is the right thing for you, then you should maybe do some research and learn more about the area you want to move to, to make your decision easer.

Image Credits: Jill Wellington

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