Top Tips on How to Enjoy Your Coffee in a More Sustainable Way

in Food & Drink

If you are a coffee lover then, you will probably find that when you are not at home, you stop at coffee shops either if you are out shopping, or if you are going to work to drink on your travels. Not only is this an expensive way to enjoy coffee but, it is also not the most sustainable way to enjoy coffee.

In this article, we will discuss some of the top tips on how you can enjoy your coffee in a more sustainable way. If this is something that you are interested in then, make sure you keep reading for more information.

Why Aim to Be a More Sustainable Coffee Drinker?

If you drink coffee regularly and you visit coffee shops regularly then, you are not the only one, many others around the world go to coffee shops. In America alone, 25 billion Styrofoam cups are thrown away each year which is not good for the environment as they are not biodegradable. This means that they will linger on the planet for hundreds of years harming nature and wildlife as well as adding to the planet’s pollution. Since this could cause a lot of damage to the planet, it is important to aim to be a sustainable coffee drinker.

Make Your Coffee in the Morning

One of the first tips that you should take into consideration if you are looking to enjoy your coffee in a more sustainable way is to make sure that you make your coffee in the morning. This is because you will save yourself money instead of buying a coffee and you will be able to enjoy it in a more sustainable way because you won’t be using a plastic cup. It is also better for you because you will be able to wake up with the caffeine a lot quicker before you even leave the house. If you want to go that extra mile to enjoy your coffee in a sustainable way then, you should consider purchasing the Halo compostable Nespresso pods.

Use a Thermal Travel Mug

The next tip to consider if you are looking to enjoy your coffee in a more sustainable way is to make sure that you use a thermal travel mug. When you use a thermal travel mug, it means that you can use it to keep your coffee hot if you are on the go rather than going to a shop to buy a cup of coffee. When you have a travel mug it can help you save money because you can make your coffee at home and, it will still be warm enough for you to enjoy when you get to work. If you need to you could add some more boiled water to your coffee so it keeps warm for longer.

Recycle Your Cups

Another tip that you should consider if you are looking to enjoy your coffee in a more sustainable way is to make sure that you recycle your cups. If you happen to stop at a coffee shop on the way to work or on your lunch break then, you should sit in while you have a coffee to drink. If you don’t have time and you have to rush then, make sure you recycle your coffee cup to do your bit for the planet.

Make Sure You Consider These Top Tips

Overall, there are many ways that you can enjoy coffee in a more sustainable way and, in this article, we discussed some of the different ways that you can do this. If you are looking to become a more sustainable coffee drinker to do your bit for the planet then, make sure you consider these top tips and share them with others so that more people can do their bit for the planet.

Image Credits: Nathan Dumlao

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