Top Video Marketing Trends

in Business

Video marketing is becoming increasingly cost-effective and prevalent. Video marketing has gained lots of popularity because of the changes in technology and because they can easily get shared. Making marketing videos for any business (small, big or medium) needs creativity and knowledge of human thinking. Emotionally appealing, creative video advertising can go viral on the internet in just a matter of days and this is what video marketing is all about; creativity is the watchword.

Video marketing trends

Video marketing has been adopted by many businesses as a means of building a connection with consumers and selling out a brand. Marketing agencies can be of great help when it comes to creating content for marketing videos. Brands should not be in a rush to make videos but take out time to carry out intensive research and know what their target consumers can find appealing and interesting enough to share. Video marketing in Australia takes out time to understand this point and help firms when it comes to storytelling.

Video marketing agency in Australia help companies understand the metrics and what they could attain with these videos. Apart from using top influencers, video marketing is quite a gradual process. In as much as video marketing is all about creating content through videos, there are some standards these videos need to measure up to. Here are some trends to note in video marketing:

Several consumers prefer video content to read

Video content is likely to keep customers in their place of comfort without the need to figure out things as compared to reading. People can easily get connected to these videos and it sure does have a lot of influence on how customers can get attached to a brand or be compelled to buy a product.

Content quality is more essential than production quality

The production quality and technical features have to be good but not first class. Good production is often associated with trust but it cannot cover up for lack of content. Facebook Live videos, webinar recordings, and other video making tools can work just fine once the content is engaging enough.

Good production quality can yield to the huge amount of videos created on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter just to name a few.


People can read via a list of facts or instructions in an article but if presented in a video, it can make people lose interest in the video. The emotional connection matters and storytelling makes brands unique, share real-life experiences, add the human element to content, and awakens sympathy. It is equally a great way to sell a brand without sounding very “salesy”.

Testing in video marketing

There are no particular rules when brands are trying to figure out their video style. Lots of testing is always done; long and short videos in different social media platforms, animations, talking heads, actors, and CGI. Brands must figure out what type of videos works out for their target customers from their demographics to tell stories that they will love,

Live video streams and video content

With video contents, brands can promote an event by bringing live events to their target audience by holding question and answer sessions including interviews with social media influencers. Using influencers for some live video streams is already content itself and it equally helps the brand in engaging and building awareness. The influencer has to be someone the target consumer can relate with or someone they love.

Brands could equally make use of either pre-recorded sales clips which includes recording very short messages that tackle the needs of the target audience including potential customers that they can watch at their own free time.


Video marketing is the reason why most brands have gained worldwide recognition. The videos are cost-effective and easy to share and the popularity of video marketing has been greatly influenced by changes in technology which has made sharing easier. Creativity and knowledge of human psychology are the major things companies need to make marketing videos.

The videos need to have that human touch and have to be emotionally intriguing and engaging. A creative marketing video can go viral just within hours and get millions of views. Quite a simple marketing tool but yet challenging and only the creative do survive.

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