Turning Your Garage into a Music Studio

in Home Improvement

There are so many uses for a garage, and it often just accumulates junk, so why not give it a useful purpose if you’re a music fanatic? Getting rid of everything that’s been stored there for years and converting it, can really help you to use the space for something you really love. The only downside is you might have to find a new place to park your car, but it will totally be worth it when you start producing. Who doesn’t want to make, play and edit in their own home? Technology nowadays means that all this is very possible, and so much more. Here are some tips and ideas about converting your garage into a studio.

Get Rid of Old stuff

Your garage is probably filled with years of junk that you don’t really use, or need at all. Getting rid of it all, selling on any valuable things, or finding a different place to house it will take a little while to. This needs to be done before you can make any significant changes, or before you even start to think about what you want to do with the space. If you have things you really need to keep, perhaps you could consider renting a garage elsewhere to be used for all your things. After everything has been cleared out, the whole space needs to be properly cleaned, in order for work to start, no doubt it has accumulated lots dirt over the years.


This is so important for your garage studio and should be at the top of your list. If your garage is ventilated, great, if you not, you need to get this done. Ventilation is so important as it not only keeps you cool when you are in there for long recording sessions, but it saves your equipment too. If moisture in the air cannot escape and the room becomes stagnant, moistures can build up on expensive recording equipment and destroy it. Make sure ventilation is at the top of your to do list.


You don’t want echoes and confusing repetitive sounds of your instruments, reverberating off the walls when you’re trying to play. This not only makes playing difficult but can disrupt how the instruments sound when being recorded. You can include lots of cheap items you can find around the house, in your studio, that are great for absorbing sound. Things like rugs, sofas, and draping things from the walls are all big items that are great at absorbing sound.


It’s important that sound doesn’t escape through the garage door, as this is the place it is most likely to. Companies like www.pjgaragedoors.com.au have a range that are soundproof friendly. Tightening the nuts and bolts on your existing door, spraying it with lubricant, and making sure all parts of the door works, are all things you should do with a new or old door.

Making your garage into a music studio is a great use of the space, and is so much better than just using it to store stuff.

Image Credits: Pixabay

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