7 Junk Removal Tips for Spring Cleaning

in Home Improvement

As the days get warmer, spring is finally here. But what about the clutter, junk, and all the dust? It’s certainly time to uncover your treasures under all that clutter.

When was the last time you did a thorough spring clean? Months or years? The longer you wait, the more junk you’re going to accumulate—again. Don’t forget to schedule junk removal like jiffyjunk.com to have all your unwanted stuff disappear with the snap of your fingers.

Set Yourself a Goal

The best way to approach an effective spring cleaning is to set yourself a goal. Your goal could be that you want to be finished by day ‘X’. Pick the date you want to finish the cleaning. Once you choose the date, you can break up the time between then and now.

Let’s assume it’s the beginning of the month and you want to finish spring cleaning within two weeks. That’s 14 days for you to clean your entire home. How many rooms do you have? How much time will each room require? Be careful about setting a date. If you haven’t got enough time to clean your home, you’ll put yourself under unnecessary stress. Should your home look like the end scene of an apocalypse movie, you’ll certainly require more than just a few days. Your day ‘X’ should be within a reasonable timeframe.

Start Small

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your spring cleaning won’t be done in a day. If there’s a lot of areas to tackle, you may easily feel overwhelmed by that amount. Start with the corner of one room, and once you’re done, you’ll feel more motivated to head over to the next area. The key to a successful spring clean is to keep motivated. It’s the same approach a professional junk removal uses.

Have a Junk Removal System

You may be eager to start right away, but with a system at hand, it’ll be far easier to tackle your spring cleaning.

  • Clean in rounds. You could clean in rounds in each room for every step of your spring clean. For example, you’re going to do the obvious junk removal first, such as taking a bag and whizzing through the room collecting all garbage, empty snack bags, used hankies, etc. In the second run, you take out everything that you haven’t used in ages.
  • Make a list of the rooms that are in urgent need of decluttering. Check each room for several categories, such as toys, books, DVDs, and clothes. Tackle one category after another, no matter which room they’re in.
  • Pull out everything you have. It’s best to do this step by step and room by room. Take out all the stuff you have and put it onto one pile. Pick out what you regularly use and can’t live without. For the stuff that is still usable but you no longer want around, send it in for a donation. And for the ones that are plain garbage, contact a waste company like ewmdumpsterrental.com to take care of the disposal in an eco-friendly manner.

Choose What to Keep and What Not

It’s obvious that each of us get attached to things. It’s could be an odd mug with a chipped rim or even an old toy from way back. These items remind us of someone or something special. Some people have sentimental attachments to the weirdest items. Deciding what to keep and what to hand to the junk removal is not easy. Before you fall into sentimentalities, ask yourself one question: do I use it regularly? Everything you haven’t used within a year should go.

Determine Your Own Guidelines

When it comes to magazines, you could set yourself guidelines on which issues to toss. We usually keep magazines which have some interesting articles to read again at some point. In truth, we never take a second look at it.

Set yourself a goal to put everything that’s older than two months onto the junk removal pile. Apply the same approach for clothes, such as tossing all that don’t fit. An additional guideline with a timer is helpful. Set a timer each time you tackle an area. For example, set yourself a limit of 20 minutes.

Who Will Get Your Junk?

Once the decluttering is done, you can decide on the items that need to go. What are you going to do with the stuff that is still good to use? Choose whether those things are going to friends and family, are going to be donated, or are going to be sold to someone else. You can always offer your usable junk to friends and family first before considering selling or donating it.

Schedule the Junk Removal

Without a doubt, you’ll have more clutter pulled out from your home than you initially expected. While you were able to toss the obvious trash into your regular bin, large amounts won’t fit in there. Just give a junk removal service a call and before you know it, they’ll be there to handle the junk removal. If it’s spring or fall, it’s best to schedule a junk removal at the start of your project. A lot of people declutter around those times and you could end up on a waiting list. Avoid a long waiting list with timely scheduled junk removal from the start. It’ll also provide you with additional motivation to be done with the spring cleaning on day ‘X’.

Image Credits: Andrea Piacquadio

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