Which Insulation Materials Are Best for Soundproofing?

in Home Improvement

When building or renovating, one of the best things you can do to improve your home acoustically is to install sound insulation. It has been proven to reduce noise inside your home up to 75% and is one of the most effective ways to help create a peaceful indoor environment. Acoustic Insulation can help reduce the travel of noises from outside your home to inside and vice versa. So whether you want to hear less traffic noises while you’re relaxing, or are hoping to make your home more private – acoustic insulation will help.

Which insulation is best for soundproofing?

Glasswool and polyester insulation batts are the most common materials used for soundproofing a home. Polyester is made from recycled plastic bottles, has no breathable fibres and is easy to handle because it is completely itch free. On the other hand, glasswool is made from recycled glass material and tends to be a bit cheaper than polyester insulation. It has a high compression factor which makes it convenient to transport and in recent times the itch factor of glasswool products has improved a lot.

Acoustic insulation is specially designed to absorb and reduce sound transfer. Many brands such as Knauf and Bradford manufacture specialised acoustic insulation products as well as traditional thermal insulation. Deciding on the best product for your situation will depend on your budget, where you want to install the insulation and environmental factors of where you live. Remember that the best acoustic products should also offer excellent thermal properties, so look for ones with a high R-value.

When choosing your acoustic insulation, you should consider the dimensions of where you will be installing it. For example, the thickness of your wall stud may affect the thickness of your insulation material. Standard wall studs in Australia are 90mm, but many homes use 70mm studs which may not be sufficiently thick for all acoustic products. If you’re unsure what thickness you should get, speak to a professional.

Can you use regular insulation for soundproofing?

Any bulk insulation product is better than nothing when it comes to reducing the transfer of sound. However if soundproofing is a priority for you, at Pricewise Insulation we would strongly advise that you insulate with specially designed acoustic insulation. What sets acoustic insulation apart from other types of bulk insulation? Put simply, it’s the thickness and density of acoustic insulation that makes it especially effective at resisting noise transfer.

Where should you install acoustic insulation?

Acoustic insulation can be installed pretty much anywhere in your home. In the external walls, acoustic insulation will reduce the transfer of outside noises into your home and will also keep your indoor noises private from the outside. If you install acoustic insulation in your internal walls, you can help reduce noise travel within your own home, giving all members of the house privacy.

Acoustic insulation in the roof can help dampen the noise from wind and rain or planes flying overhead, while on the floor, it can help reduce the sound of footsteps. Don’t forget in between floors of multi-storey houses: this will play a significant role in reducing the noise from upstairs.

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