Who is Behind the Creation of Your Favourite TV Show?

in Film & TV

We all have that one TV show that we are obsessed with every single element of – the plot, the characters, the set design, the camera work, the soundtrack, and everything else that goes along with it. You’re probably aware that it doesn’t all get there by magic, but who is actually in charge of all the pieces that come together to make a show completely dazzling? There are a lot of major elements involved in creating a great film or show, and there are a lot of people needed to make that happen. Here are but a few examples of the many people involved in TV show production from start to finish.


Essentially the big boss of the whole process is a great producer who takes charge of the show. The producer wears many hats, from working with writers and designers to managing the behind-the-scenes administrative stuff like budgeting for the show and making sure that everything is done on the correct timeline. This is the person or group of people who works with the project from the very beginning until the show is on your screen.


The director of a show is the person who is in charge of everything that goes on in front of (and behind) the camera when it’s rolling. Quite literally directing actors on set, as well as the technical crew – camera and boom operators, sound, visuals, stunts, green screens, you name it. When it comes to TV, directors have a lot of creative leeway and are often involved in casting and location scouting too.

Costume and Makeup

The magicians that make your favourite characters look mesmerising are the makeup artists, hairstylists, costume designers, and dress technicians. It’s their role to transform an actor into a character and give them the features that make them unique. This part of the show production often involves some manipulation to make an actor look older or younger, or in the case of certain genres, give them entirely different features like an alien in a sci-fi show. Another artistic person who forms part of this aspect of production is the set designer, who brings the scene to life.

Post-Production Team

Once the cast has performed their lines and all the preparing, writing, designing, and acting is done, the hard work begins. The post-production process is oftentimes the most time-consuming and labour-intensive part of the work and involves a big crew of people with different skills. An editor is in charge of piecing all the footage together into what will become the final product, working alongside colourists, sound editors, visual effects artists, and even title sequence designers to make the raw film into something spectacular to hit your screen.


Finally, once the show is made and ready for the world to feast its eyes upon it, the world first needs to be made aware that the show exists. The publicists or advertisers are in charge of marketing the show, creating the hype, and generating the imagery and slogans which will create a buzz around the show for when it is finally released.

Image Credits: Matthew Galbraith

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