Why Project Managers Prefer PRINCE2 Training Courses?

in Business

Have you always wished to become a project manager? This occupation has become amazingly appealing to a myriad of individuals in recent times, thus reducing one’s chances of finding a job in this field.

Nevertheless, obtaining a certification in project management increases the employment prospects of candidates. PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments) is known as one of the top certification courses, equipping trainees with the necessary skills for the job. Would-be project managers are provided with a choice of two Prince2 training courses, the foundation, and the practitioner course.

These are the key reasons why individuals prefer PRINCE2 over other training courses.

Better skills

One of the main reasons why aspiring project managers are interested in acquiring a PRINCE2 certification is the opportunity to improve their project management skills. Gaining an insight into the most popular methods, procedures, and systems in this field of work help trainees develop better planning, monitoring, and management skills.

In addition, PRINCE2 methodology teaches trainees to divide the project into stages for greater convenience. Using such methods enables these professionals to gain better control of the entire process, as well as take care of any issues that might arise in the course of individual stages.

Reasonable commitment

When looking for a training course, would-be project managers are mainly disheartened by the time commitment and high cost of these programs. Anyhow, PRINCE2 courses enable potential trainees to take either the foundation or the practitioner exam, or both of them. The greatest thing about this program is requiring no prerequisites on the part of applicants. Consequently, individuals with no experience in such management are allowed to enrol.

In terms of duration, the foundation course lasts a maximum of three days, whereas both courses are usually attended in a period of six days. The duration of the foundation exam is one hour, while the practitioner exam lasts 2, 5 hours. Regarding price, there’s no universal cost for PRINCE2 training, as it mainly depends on the country where one lives.

Given the above-mentioned information, you won’t have to waste an abundance of time and money on such training. As a result, you will be able to commence a career in this field sooner than expected. Click here for some additional tips about becoming a certified project management professional.

Find employment

Another crucial reason why individuals are interested in enrolling in a PRINCE2 course is having better chances of employment. It’s virtually impossible for a person to be employed as a project manager without having any certification. Given the myriad of professionals waiting to get employed in this field, one is supposed to be certified.

Moreover, acquiring a PRINCE2 certification would genuinely improve your chances of becoming employed. This certification is highly renowned in the industry, making you stand out from the rest of the applicants. Therefore, by investing in such a certification, you are actually investing in a successful future career.

Online education

PRINCE2 training can be undertaken in a classroom or online, depending on the preferences of trainees. Given the existing situation with the COVID19 pandemic, it’s no surprise most trainees opt to study from the comfort of their homes. Instead of attending classes in an actual classroom, you can take the lessons at your own pace. You won’t be tied to a strict schedule but choose the period you find most convenient.

Additionally, you can take the exam from the comfort of your home as long as you have a functional webcam, microphone, and reliable high-speed internet. The exam can be scheduled at any hour and day in accordance with your preferences. Make sure you go to the following link, https://www.forbes.com/sites/ilkerkoksal/2020/05/02/the-rise-of-online-learning/#1efd23ce72f3, to get an insight into the rise of online learning.

Global recognition

Another important benefit of obtaining a PRINCE2 certification is being globally recognized. It means this certification is recognized both by public and private companies across the globe. As a result, your chances of getting employed anywhere in the world become substantially higher. Even if you immigrate to another country, you’ll still have a certificate to rely on.

Final word

Investing in PRINCE2 certification is essential for anyone hoping for a career in project management.

Take your chance!

Image Credits: Dylan Gillis

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