3 Reasons Every Business Needs Videos on Their Website

in Business

Videos have become one of the most important tools for businesses to use on their websites for marketing strategy. Consumers are viewing video content more than ever, and the trend is going to continue to grow. People browsing the internet have a short attention span, and videos allow visitors to your website the ability to quickly consume contently.

Videos are essential to your business and digital marketing strategy. When deciding if you want to add videos to your website, you should consider these three reasons why you should.

Videos are Easier to Find

If you’ve ever tried to perform a random search for blog posts or an article, then good luck! You’ll get lost under a mound of similar content, or you might find yourself staring at a 404 error (the page can’t be found) message.

You don’t want your prospects to run into these scenarios. You’ll find that these happen a lot less often when you post video content to your sites. Video has become so crucial to digital marketing; there’s even a dedicated category for video searches on Google.

Your prospects will love not having to sift through textual website links. Instead, they’ll be able to look at a thumbnail of your video, and all they’ll have to do is press play while they’re still on the search engine query page. If there’s one thing that end-users love, it’s ease of engagement while they’re in search of website content.

Introduce Yourself, Educate, and Entertain

Did you know that with the push of the play button, your video content can tackle multiple marketing and customer service tasks at once?

You can start by creating either a stand-alone video that gets featured on the landing page of your business site. Or you can create an intro business series with quick and efficient videos. While you’re at it, you can create a content calendar featuring content that either educates, entertains, or both.

You can become far more creative with video than you can with text content. This is because with text content, it’s essential to keep your readers as focused as possible, so you’ll need to write with specific topic points in mind. But video content activates multiple processes in the minds of your viewers. This means that they can absorb the message of your topic while also learning and enjoying what they’re watching.

People Can Watch Videos on the Go

One of the chief reasons why video content has become so popular is due to its inherent ability to be consumed on mobile devices. It’s true that end-users still consume text content while on the go, but it’s far easier for them to consume video content on their smartphones and tablets.

With this said, it’s crucial to publish streaming content that’s native to the coding of mobile devices. This isn’t a task that most business owners will be able to tackle on their own. The good news is, an NYC digital agency that specializes in mobile web design can seamlessly code the type of pages that keeps mobile end-users interested and engaged.

If these three reasons weren’t enough, then here’s one more reason for you to consider:

Your competitors are using streaming content to attract new prospects while keeping their current customers engaged. Do you want your competitors to steal your market share, simply because they were willing to adapt to the marketing habits that today’s customers desire?

If you’re to get ahead of your competitors, the first thing you should do it reach out to an NYC digital agency. The digital agency will help you to create the perfect video for your website and help get your business noticed.

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