3 Signs That Your Loved One May Require Assisted Living

in Health & Well-being

When you go to visit your older loved ones, it’s a good opportunity to take a look at how they’re getting on. In some cases, they may be perfectly fine despite their older age. However, in other situations, you may notice that your loved one is starting to show signs that they may need extra help. It’s not uncommon for people to require assistance in their older age.

Things that once were simple to do on their own are now laborious and exhausting. In many situations, an older loved one may not want to admit that they require extra help; however, it’s for their own good that they are assisted if they need to be. Here are some of the tell-tale signs that your older loved one may require assisted living.

Neglected Hygiene

Things that we take for granted in our younger years may be downright dangerous for our older ones. If your loved one is looking like they haven’t showered in a while, it may be because they feel unsafe when doing so. As a result, they may neglect their hygiene in fear of slipping and hurting themselves.

In addition to safety hazards being a result of their lack of hygiene, it can also be a question of forgetfulness. In our older age, we may not always prioritize doing simple things like brushing our teeth or combing our hair. If you notice your loved one is looking a little less polished than they usually are, it could be a sign they need someone helping them with these things.

Unpaid Bills

If you start to see piles of paperwork and bills that haven’t even been opened, it’s a clear indication that it may be time to step in. When your parents start struggling with their health, the last thing on their mind may be bill deadlines. Hiring someone to help them can ensure that they don’t miss important documents or dates.


If you start to notice that your loved one is hurting themselves more often than they used to, then it could be a sign that they need extra help. If they start to feel out of it or confused when doing things like driving, it can be a serious health hazard to themselves and others. If you start to notice that they hurt themselves regularly, it’s a good idea to take them in to be evaluated by a medical professional. Even though they might want to believe that everything is okay, in many cases, it may not be at all.

The last thing that you want is an injury becoming something much more serious, like a tragedy. Keep an eye on your loved ones and lookout for these signs so that you can get them the help that they need when they require it.

Image Credits: Alex Harvey

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