3 Tips for a Safe Road Trip This Summer

in Travel

Staying safe on the road will not only help you to avoid injury, save money, and have a better time during a road trip, but it will also help you to avoid having to deal with the police, your insurance companies, or lawyers who deal with car accident claims. And luckily, there are just some basic things that you can do to help ensure that you’re as safe as possible while you’re traveling in your car this summer.

To help you with this, here are three tips for a safe road trip this summer. 

Pack Smart

The last thing you want to have happen to you while on a road trip is to get in a car accident. But since this can only be so much in your control, the best way you can prepare for this type of emergency is to know how to protect yourself in the event of an accident taking place.

Within your car, anything that’s not strapped down could become a projectile during a car accident. Because of this, it’s vital that you pack smart when preparing for your road trip. As part of this, Monica Bernstein and Ingela Ratledge, contributors to Parents.com, advise that you pack all of your heaviest items at the bottom of your car. Additionally, anything that’s piled on top of that heaviest layer should be strapped down as much as possible so it won’t move as much if you come to a sudden stop or get in an accident.

Stick to the Right Lane

According to Chandler Clayton, a contributor to Safewise.com, it’s best to never drive in the left lane of a highway or freeways unless you’re passing someone.

Although you might think that being in this faster lane will help you get to your destination quicker, it actually puts you in more potential danger. If something happens on the road, you don’t have anywhere to go to get out of the flow of traffic. But by staying in the right lane, unless you’re actively passing, you can always go off to the shoulder if you need more space or need to make a sudden move.

Keep Your Phone Down

This biggest threat to your safety on the road is distracted driving. Whether the other drivers are distracted or you’re not paying attention, any distraction puts everyone on the road at risk.

To avoid getting distracted yourself, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that you keep your phone down. If you need to use your phone for navigation or to make a phone call, either get this set up before you get on the road or pull over before you take any of these actions.

If you don’t feel like you can keep your phone out of your hand, or maybe just want to relax a little more, look into convenient and safe trips with Anaheim party bus.

If you’re wanting to take a road trip this summer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you stay safe on the road.

Image Credits: Esther Driehaus

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