4 Ways to Prevent Equipment Damage

in Business

Safety can be complex and entail several approaches. However, every approach should focus on protecting life and equipment and saving costs in the workplace. While it is important to provide equipment to get work done, preventing damage to them is one of a few ways to reduce costs around the workplace. Here are the four best ways to improve human safety and prevent damage to your equipment.

Operate equipment with design limits

Pushing your equipment beyond its designed operating limits, among other practices, leaves it vulnerable to several damage risks. Therefore, operators must follow some rules and regulations to prevent this. One of the best ways to keep your equipment operating within design limits is to ensure that only qualified and certified experts are allowed access. Individuals without proper training and qualification will likely make mistakes. Equipment manufacturers establish safe limits for critical process parameters such as pressure level, temperature, or other dynamics, so it would be best if you paid attention to them.

Ensure scheduled maintenance

Maintenance is a straightforward technique to enhance the safety of everyone in the workplace, including your equipment. It is common to see people perform maintenance only when their equipment breaks down. However, this approach only exposes you to more dangers since you might push your equipment beyond its breaking point. You will also likely suffer high costs as repairs may require expensive replacement parts when you allow them to break down. You also risk the safety of your working teams when your equipment is not performing at its best capacity.

Limit exposure to harsh chemicals

It is easy to imagine scientists in white coats working in laboratories when you hear chemicals. However, chemicals are more common in homes and workplaces than you think. Despite the many benefits, they can be dangerous when mishandled or misused. For instance, your equipment can suffer damage when exposed to other corrosive compounds in the workplace. Since these compounds are useful in the facility, it would be best to provide safe chemical storage tanks to avoid damaging your equipment and causing chemical loss or injury to staff should there be a spill. Unsurprisingly, safe operation and risk minimisation are crucial in chemical storage.

Conduct regular, thorough training

Your equipment can suffer damage when unqualified staff with little knowledge about it are allowed to use them. Providing your employees with thorough training is a sure way to prevent this. This also requires regularly updating your module since manufacturers make upgrades to equipment all the time. Although training may take some time away from a normal workday schedule, the benefits to your plant workforce can be enormous, including yielding a high return on your investment. Regular, thorough training can also improve their safety-related work behaviours and provide backup personnel capable of filling in for your equipment experts when necessary.

Reducing risks of damage to your equipment can be challenging. However, knowing where to start can make things simpler and guarantee the safety of your equipment. These four tips should get you started.

Image Credits: Michael Schwarzenberger

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