How to Organize a Product Launch?

in Business

A launch event is a great way to showcase your latest product, create hype around it, and even close some sales during it. The more you get people talking about the product, both at the event and before it, the better it’s going to do. Here are some basic rules for bringing your new product launch event to life.

Find the right venue

Having the perfect location is the first challenge that event organizers face before a product launch. The venue needs to match the goal of the product launch. It shouldn’t be too formal or too casual in order to not distract your audience from the objective of the product launch. The venue must be in a location that people can easily reach in time. Moreover, put some effort into finding a venue that looks appealing instead of settling for a swank venue.

It is also necessary that the venue is spacious. Prominent examples of a product launch venue include a big movie theatre or a stadium. You should replace the podiums with large stages where the speaker can move with freedom. A big stage also helps the speaker present the product better regarding consumer understanding.

Select a relevant and memorable theme

The theme for the product launch event should, of course, be related to the product itself. Or at least to your industry. The event is your chance to put your product on display and provide your attendees with real, hands-on playtime with it. This will excite them and likely turn them into brand advocates as you launch into the market.

One way to boost your product theme is to promote it beforehand through seminars and workshops. Both need to have information and useful content, but also show guests how the product can benefit them. The activities you offer later on will serve as a lead-in for the product.

People pointing at laptop screen

Use promotional literature

Without adequate promotional literature in place to aid your launch, your company will struggle to capitalize on any interest that is shown for your product. Do you want prospects to stay aware of your product launch? If you didn’t give them promotional literature, they’re likely to forget about the launch. Even worse, they may remember that they were interested, but didn’t have a chance to investigate further. Use online templates to help you create this promotional literature. My Creative Shop has online tools to help you design postcards, flyers, brochures, and just about anything else you can imagine.

Using promotional literature for a launch is somewhat of a trend in Australia. There, businesses leverage printing in Sydney and other business hubs around the country to ensure they have the best possible brochures and flyers that serve as informational pieces and sales tools for their product launches. Promotional literature is great for explaining why people need your product and how it will make their lives better.

Prepare engaging entertainment for your product launch event

Your product launch event needs to be informative before anything else. However, it must also incorporate an entertainment aspect to make it more memorable and fun. You have multiple options regarding entertainment:

  • You can hire a standup comedian who could incorporate the product or the industry into his routine.
  • You can engage guests with contests all the while promoting your product. It could be a raffle based on guests’ tweets, or perhaps a sort of a race to see who can use your product in the best way possible.
  • You can take advantage of some of the location’s amenities. For instance, if there is a dance floor, then cap off the product launch with a dance.

The ultimate goal is to provide a win-win situation for both you and your guests – your attendees have some fun (and win a prize) while simultaneously, they begin to serve as advocates for your product.

While one business might be giving away a trial version of the product, another might release the product including all its features for free usage for a month. The point is that various companies have various marketing strategies. If all the above rules are met with diligence, your product launch will turn into a great success. Customers might even place an order before the product hits the shelf.

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