5 Must-Haves for Learning the Piano

in Music

A lot of people hope to learn the piano, only to start lessons and lose interest quickly. The instrument requires a considerable amount of work if you hope to learn properly. It’s certainly not something that you learn overnight.

However, with all of the right elements in place, you can master the basic play techniques. Here are some of the must-haves that you’ll need to be successful in your venture.

A Good Instrument

Most piano teachers will tell you that unless you have a quality piano to practice on, it’s not worth learning until you do. Although you can dabble with electric keyboards, there’s no comparison to the real thing.

The weight and texture of the keys are different, and most importantly, the sound. The only way to improve your technique is to have a tuned and high-quality instrument that can do what you tell it to do.


Rhythm is the basis of any musical piece that you play. It is the heartbeat of a composition, and without it, the song would fall apart. It’s important to practice maintaining a steady rhythm at all times.

The great thing about rhythm is that even if you make a few mistakes on the notes, a steady beat will help make your errors.

Good Memory

Ideally, you should memorize your music. Memorizing the notes as well as the structure of the chords isn’t easy, but it can make the playing process much easier.

The best way to master your memory of music is to divide the music piece into various sections. Learn each small section by heart, then eventually, one by one, start piecing them together. Memory experts recommend playing right before you go to sleep for maximum memory retention.


From your technique to your rhythm to your chords, getting good at these will require dedication. Without dedication, you won’t practice regularly enough to get good at your craft.

Dedication makes it possible to stay committed to your practice and showing up to do the work.


Playing music requires much more than just technicality. Even if you can play the notes perfectly without a single error, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you will move someone.

Passion gives you the ability to communicate with your audience on a spiritual level. True artists know how to tap into a higher version of themselves that come out through their form of expression.

Ultimately, you’ll have the highest chances of succeeding if you love what you do. By enjoying what you do, you’ll add an element of fun to the experience.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and take risks. The idea is to appreciate what you’re doing!

Image Credits: Jordan Whitfield

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