5 Steps to Get Started in Digital Creativity for Free

in Business

You can get started in digital creativity for free. If you know what you want to do and like to learn more, tons of free resources are available if you know where to look.

Know What You Want to Do

First, you need to know what you want to do. Then, think about your skills, interests, and what you enjoy doing. Digital creativity is a vast subject, and there are many things you can do. And it isn’t uncommon to find digital artists who excel at more than one thing. For instance, people interested in digital video production are often skilled digital artists with a talent for all kinds of media. But digital creation doesn’t end with images and videos. For example, the games industry constantly looks for talented 3D modellers and texture artists.

Source Free or Trial Software

Once you know what you want to do, it’s time to begin doing it. Before getting a job in the creative industry, you need to become good at something. You might not have to become an expert because some employers will give you a chance. But you will need a solid understanding of your subject. It is always free or trial software available. Industry-standard software is typically expensive, but you can always get free and open-source alternatives to them. For example, GIMP is a good entry-level app before moving onto Adobe Photoshop.

Use the Web to Get Started in Digital Creativity for Free

The world wide web is a digital artist’s heaven. Currently, there are over 600 million active blogs across the internet. So you’re guaranteed to find a great website with free resources. All you need to do is Google it. And then, there are video tutorial sites like YouTube and Vimeo. These are excellent because you can often find free college-level videos with genuine experts. So always look for what you need before spending money. Further, if you have some money to spare, sites like Udemy offer incredible courses for almost anything at reasonable prices.

Develop an Online Portfolio

Any artist, digital or otherwise, needs a portfolio. A portfolio allows you to display your work and to look back at older stuff to see where you are improving. The cost of printing your digital art into a physical portfolio would be expensive. And might not even be possible. Therefore an online portfolio becomes necessary. You can showcase your work on many sites such as DeviantART, music upload sites or even social media. Social media is a great option since almost everyone has an account on one platform or more. Or make a blog if you have the time.

Advertise Your Services

Finally, once you are proficient in one skill and have provable work to show clients, it’s time to make it your career. It is possible to enter many industries as a digitally creative person. Digital marketing, web development, and the games industry are great examples where jobs are abundant. But the competition is tough. In the meantime, advertise your services on sites like Upwork and Fiverr. Sites like these are excellent for learning the skills you need to support yourself and your professional development. Just ensure you pay your taxes!


Digital creativity is a flourishing subject. But it can be tough to get into your chosen profession because of competition and finances. So start by learning free tools, and advertise on social media and freelance sites when you feel your skills are fully developed.

Image Credits: Brett Sayles

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