5 Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable

in Business

Today, businesses of all sizes need to think about how sustainable they are to support Net Zero efforts and to future-proof the business. In the coming decades, sustainability will be central to the success of all businesses because of government requirements and customer demands.

Net Zero Goals

COP 27 took place in Egypt and reinforced some of the Net Zero goals and strategies discussed a year earlier to meet the UN’s target for 2050. By mid-century, the UN hopes to achieve Net Zero with a temperature rise of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

At the moment, the world has a temperature increase of 1.1 degrees higher than it should be without industry. In order to reach the 2050 target, 45% of carbon emissions need to be cut, which means that businesses of all kinds need to make their own Net Zero goals in support.

Reduce Energy

Energy reduction plays a key role in a business’s Net Zero efforts. Energy is required to turn the wheels of industry, but there are ways to reduce your energy output and your company’s carbon footprint. The steps to energy reductions in business are as much the same as in the home.

Start by looking at the energy use in your business and where you can make cuts. Introducing a smart thermostat in the office, for instance, helps you to make smart decisions about the energy you use and also reduces energy bills; you also need to switch to a renewable energy supplier.

Recycle and Reuse

As with sustainable practices in the home, a business can also benefit from recycling and reusing equipment and materials. A business can save a lot of money and make its processes more sustainable by buying second-hand equipment, upcycling existing items, and buying smart.

Some businesses might dismiss the idea of reconditioned technology, but it is as good as new in most cases and can be bought for as much as half price. Not only can you make amazing savings, but you can also create a sustainable company culture that leads to future resilience.

Green Materials

In order to meet Net Zero target and protect the environment and oceans from use-once plastic, governments around the world are supporting green packaging and materials in businesses. Not only that, consumers are starting to expect their products to arrive in sustainable packaging.

Along with packaging, businesses can think about the materials they use in their manufacturing processes to reduce the environmental impact of harmful materials and processes. If your business uses chemicals, try to buy dry ice in blocks, pellets, or slices to improve production.

Waste Reduction

The business cycle moves from manufacturing to selling and then to waste disposal; this is true of the products you sell, as well as the ones used in your offices and for your commercial processes. Thinking about how products end their life is a useful way to reduce your carbon footprint, support Net Zero efforts, and improve the reputation of the business with customers.

Image Credits: Charles Deluvio

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