Onboarding Tactics That Make New Recruits Feel Like Royalty

in Business

Getting employees up and running in your company can be challenging. It’s a critical time when workers come to terms with whether they really want to work for you or not.

Sadly, most companies lose around a third of their new recruits within the first year, usually because of bad first impressions. However, with remote work being so normal now, you could even try working with a recruitment agency in Dubai UAE.

The good news, though, is that, as an employer, you can leverage your onboarding process to increase retention and convince them that their new role is the perfect job for them.

Onboarding Should Begin Prior To Arrival

Most firms start their onboarding process on day one, but smart bosses know from experience that this doesn’t always work in practice. Recruits need to mentally prepare themselves for the job ahead of time to avoid feeling like they are being thrown in at the deep end.

To this end, employers should drip-feed new recruits information before their first shift starts. This should include basic things like their keycard access and login details, as well as more detailed descriptions of the work they will be doing and the tools they will need to use. Workers can then prepare for the task in their own time before Monday morning arrives.

Make Sure That People Feel Like They Belong Immediately

New recruits often feel like outsiders when they first arrive, so it is important for managers and the rest of the team to make them feel welcome immediately. If you don’t, workers will feel like there is something “missing” from their job and they might look for employment elsewhere.

Start off by giving everyone an onboarding partner. This is an existing member of your team dedicated to helping the new recruit get to grips with their life as part of the company.

Then bring them into your social network. Make sure that they are always present when the team goes out to lunch – at least, at first. Ensure that you include them in the conversation and pay attention to them and their needs.

You can also appeal to their emotions to make them feel more loved and included. Placing a swag box for employees on their desk before arrival can help them feel appreciated and immediately breaks the ice.

Publicly Acknowledge the Value of The New Team Member


Everyone in any organization wants to feel valued and like they are contributing in a positive way. Otherwise, people feel redundant, even if they are still getting paid. Worse still, colleagues might not even understand why they are there, creating tension.

As a manager or leader, therefore, it’s a good idea to not only introduce the new recruit but explain in detail why they are a necessary member of the team. Talk in detail about the job they will be doing and why it is so important. Explain the value that they will add and what questions they can answer.

Ring Fence the New Recruit’s Role

When a new person arrives in your organization, other team members might be tempted to offload work onto them. However, as a manager, that’s not what you want. The new recruit didn’t arrive to take up the slack. Instead, they came to perform a specific role.

Make sure that you ring fence their tasks. Make it clear to the new recruit and existing employees what their job actually is. Don’t allow them to become overburdened. If you do, they could leave to find better work elsewhere.

Get The Basics Right

Failing to get the basics right is a big no-no when hiring new staff. If they lack the equipment and tools they need to get the job done, it will reflect poorly on you and your brand.

Before your employee starts make sure that you have the following in place:

  • Their desk, computer and stationery, if necessary
  • The required tools, such as laptop, access cards, and machinery
  • Safety information and training
  • Basic information about the company, such as the culture, hours of work, code of conduct, etc.
  • Company vehicles

When the recruit’s first day starts, all of these should already be in place. Organizations should show employees introductory videos explaining how the firm operates and the standards expected of them.

Set The Employee Up for Success

Lastly, when onboarding, companies should strike a balance between getting the worker organized and setting them up for success. Employees tend to stay if they feel like they are adding real value to the enterprises they work for. They want to have a sense that they can progress and really achieve something in their careers, not just go around in circles.

Image Credits: Tim Mossholder, Austin Distel

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