Key Career Benefits You Should Watch Out for on the Job Market

in Careers

Are you currently testing the waters of the job market? It’s important to remember that the environment you’ll need to navigate to find a job you want is more competitive than ever before. Particularly, for sectors like legal, health and business management. As such, you’ll need to make sure that you are taking the right steps to impress employers. However, at the same time, you shouldn’t settle for working at any business. Instead, you need to make sure that you are choosing a company that can deliver the benefits that you want and deserve. Let’s explore some of the key possibilities here.


Arguably, one of the first benefits that you should look out for when exploring jobs on the market today should be a high level of flexibility. More flexibility means that you can take control over when you work and how you work. For instance, you could decide to work from home. Various reports suggest that working from home will provide a healthier work/life balance. At the very least, it means that you will be able to avoid the dreaded Monday morning commute.

You might think that your options are limited if you want more flexibility in your career. However, don’t be so sure. A lot of industries were forced to operate largely from home during the COVID pandemic and many haven’t reverted back. For instance, you might be searching for a job in the legal sector.

Firms such as Ellisons Solicitors are still providing high levels of flexibility to their team members when choosing where they want to work.

Usually, the only requirement when working from home will be ensuring that you have the right level of connectivity. As such, you should think about investing in the best internet service if you want to avoid issues here.

Competitive Salary

Level of pay isn’t everything and a high level of pay doesn’t always indicate a better place to work. It just means that they’ll be paying you more for your misery. However, you should always start by checking the average pay for a position that you are applying for. This should tell you whether a business is providing a fair level of pay when you discuss options at the interview.

Be aware that some businesses will offer a lower level of pay but provide other incentives to make up for it. We’ll discuss an example of this a little further down.

If you do find a company that is providing an exceptionally high level of pay, think about whether it seems too good to be true. You should always check resources like Glass Door. This will tell you whether the high pay is worth working for the company and if there are any catches that you need to be aware of.

Strong Options for Promotion and Career Expansion

Another incentive or benefit worth exploring would be whether or not a business is able to offer any upskilling options. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end position. To ensure high levels of job satisfaction, it’s critical that you can keep moving forward in your career. One of the ways that you can guarantee this is by ensuring that a business you are working for is going to offer training options.

You might also want to explore the form that this training will come in. These days a lot of training will either be completed online or remotely. There’s nothing wrong with an option like this as long as it’s still going to be providing the same benefits that you need in your career. Ultimately, options like this should lead to promotions too.

Company Car

We mentioned that pay can be impacted by other incentives that a business may offer. One example would be a company car. If you have a family or you need to commute to work each day, a company car is going to be a huge benefit to you. On the other hand, if you already have a car, then you might not need to worry about this too much. Regardless, businesses may offer a company car in exchange for a slightly lower level of pay compared to competitors. You’ll need to decide whether this option is worth it for you personally. There may be a certain amount of room to negotiate here.

You also need to think about what else is covered here. For instance, you might want to check whether they are paying for the car servicing and if you will receive a fuel card. This will be the case in some business models but it will often depend on the company that you are working for.

Great Office Culture

Finally, you might want to think about ensuring that a business that you work for has the right office culture. On average, you’ll spend about 30% of your life working. This means that when taking into account sleep and traffic, you’re probably working more than you are seeing friends and family members. While this is a tough pill to swallow, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. You just need to make sure that you find a business which is going to be fun to work for and will ensure that you feel connected to the people around you.

A strong office culture will often be present the first day that you interview for the position. You should also make sure that you do inquire about social interactions outside of the standard work day.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key benefits that you should look out for when you are exploring the job market. Don’t forget, if you have plenty of experience and the right qualifications, then you’re going to be highly sought after on the job market. There will be countless companies keen to get you on their team. You should use this level of demand to your advantage and ensure that you only accept a job if it does deliver the right incentives.

Image Credits: Andrea Piacquadio

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