5 Ways to Nurture Your Children’s Creative Talents

in Parenting

For all you know, you might have the next Picasso, Beethoven, or Jane Austen in your family. Your children might have untapped creative talents that once nurtured, could lead them on to hobbies, careers, and even fame and fortune in their later years. As the parent, it is your duty to nurture their creative talents, and you can do this in the following ways.

#1: Find out what your children’s creative talents are

It’s not always obvious what your children are good at, especially when they are at a very young age. Still, you can find out by providing them with a home that contains the necessary tools to stimulate their young minds. We are thinking about paints, paper, pens and pencils, building blocks, simple musical instruments, and more. Give them a room in your home to engage with the items you have provided for them, and watch as their interests unfold. When you have started to get an idea of what they have talents in, you will be able to find ways to promote a love of music, drawing, writing, craftwork, etc. as they get older.

#2: Surround them with creativity

We can all learn from the creativity of others, so for your children’s sake, give them access to anything that could inspire their minds. At home, you might provide books for your children; reading to them at a young age and helping them choose the books that they might enjoy reading for themselves as they get older. Reading might then inspire them to write stories of their own. You might also fill your home with pieces of art, looking for paintings and drawings for sale that will stir your children’s creativity if they have shown a talent for anything art-related. And if your children are into music, purchase CD’s or download songs and orchestral pieces from a range of genres, so your children can start to understand the breadth of musical styles that exist in the world today. As well as showcasing the creativity of others, you might also take your children to art galleries, children’s book readings at the library, and to the theatre, as just a few examples of places outside your home that might inspire your child’s love for a particular creative pursuit.

#3: Care about what your children are achieving

When your child comes to you with a painting they have made, take the time to look at it with them. Be positive, and let them know what you like about it. Talk to them about why they did what they did and ask them to show you how they did it. And if you think they have the talent to do better, talk to them kindly, and offer suggestions. Apply this to anything else your child produces, be it a poem, drawing, plasticine monster, or some other such creative work. Offer words of encouragement and give feedback, and show them how proud you are at what they are achieving. Then pin their paintings to the wall. Stand their plasticine models on your shelves. And read their stories to others. This will show that you care about what they are doing, and it should encourage them to follow their interests further.

#4: Find places where they can pursue their creativity

5 Ways to Nurture Your Children's Creative Talents 1
During a three-day summer camp at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, the Exceptional Family Member Program guided children in learning dance moves, playing music and participating in arts and crafts activities. The camp was held at the JBSA-Randolph Chapel Fellowship Hall July 8-10. (U.S. Air Force photo by Melissa Peterson)

Don’t confine their talents to the home environment. If there are hobbyist groups at their school or your local community hall, from art classes to writing groups, register your children onto them if they are willing to attend. This will give them the scope to take their creative interests further, and they will be able to mix with other children who have similar talents to them. And as they get older, there might be specific classes they can attend at school that are open to those with specific talents, so speak to your child’s teachers to ensure they aren’t overlooked. There might be one-to-one sessions available too, be that at school or from private tutors, so look at what is available and encourage your child to partake. Many of these classes can also develop kids leadership.

#5: Let your children take pleasure from what they are doing

Okay, so you might suspect your child is the next Leonardo Da Vinci or Roald Dahl, but remember that they are still young. Don’t be one of those moms who pushes too hard, as you might then suck all the fun out of your child’s passions. Give them some freedom to do other things with their downtime, as your child should naturally return to their creative love at a time that suits them if it gives them enjoyment. Of course, if they start to spend more time on their smartphones and games consoles, you might then intervene a little, perhaps by finding fun activities for your child to do that will give them an opportunity to showcase their talents.


No matter how old your children are, it’s never a bad time to start nurturing their creativity if you haven’t already. Take an interest in their talents then, and give them the start they need to follow a pursuit that might enhance their lives forever.

Image Credits: PxHere, Melissa Peterson

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