7 Fantastic Tips That Will Help You Survive a Long Flight

in Travel

Traveling is great and almost everyone loves it. But sometimes that joy of traveling can be lessened by the fact that we have to be stuck on a plane for over 20 hours! It gets really exhausting and seat space seems to be getting smaller and smaller with each flight!

Although you’ll get tired and a little sore, there are many things you can do in order to avoid complete exhaustion and irritability. Apart from packing everything you need in a suitcase, you must remember to bring with you a carry on bag! Especially if you are a woman, and if you are a man, you might get the idea for your next gift.

There are plenty of toiletries that every woman simply must always have by her side. Not only that but snacks, water, gum, chargers, etc. To travel with style and have everything by your side, you can consider some of this year’s leather shoulder bags for women. You’ll have the advantage of having everything you need for a long trip and will stay stylish!

Read on to find out what else you’ll need to survive a long flight! Comfort First!

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Nobody loves sleeping in planes, or for that matter anywhere besides your bed. But hey, what can we do, sometimes we just have to. If you like to prepare in advance and would like to be as comfortable as you can during your 20+ flight then you’ll definitely need a few things.

If you’ve never been on a 20+ flight before then you haven’t experienced the restless leg feeling. Not only that but people have confirmed that after a long flight they usually experience aching and sore legs. In order to avoid this, you can simply invest in some of the latest and finest compression stockings for the trip. Your legs and feet will be very thankful.

Apart from wearing compression socks, wear comfy clothes like leggings or loose pants, a simple cotton t-shirt and don’t forget to bring some layers in case it gets cold.

Book Your Seat in Advance

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When it comes to picking the right seat for your flight it mostly comes to your personal preference. Most travelers are divided between the aisle and window seat. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to both seats.

For example, if you are the kind of person who sleeps mostly through the entire flight, then a window seat can be the perfect choice for you. You’ll have your own mini personal space and if people next to you want to get up for a bathroom break, no one will disturb your sleep. Furthermore, you can easily lean on a pillow against the window.

On the other hand, if you get restless during flight, the aisle seat is perfect for you. You’ll be able to go to the bathroom without disturbing anyone, get up, stretch a little and so on. Plus, if you are a heavy sleeper, people passing through won’t be a problem.

Avoid Alcohol and Coffee

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There are many health reasons why people, in general, should avoid alcohol and coffee. But if you are the kind of person who just can’t imagine their morning without a warm cup of Joe to wake you, we’ll have to disappoint you. But only temporary. Coffee has a dehydrating effect on our body and can leave you bloated for the rest of your flight.

The same goes for alcohol. If you like to end your day with a nice glass of red wine, skip it for while you’re on your flight. Stick with water and wait till you land to freshen yourself up with a nice warm cup of warm coffee.

Bring Snacks!

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There is nothing worse than being stuck on a plane without any food. And many airlines have cut on meals during long hour flights. When we say to bring snacks, we don’t mean salty chips and other unhealthy snacks. Why? Because not only are they completely unnecessary and don’t add any nutritional value to your overall health, but salt can get you dehydrated as well.

So, pack extra snacks when going on a long trip. You can bring some fresh fruit, granola bars, some vegetables like baby carrots or cucumbers. Put them in a container add some hummus and you got yourself a nice and healthy snack.

You can also pack salads, sandwiches made from whole wheat grains, and you won’t have to worry about a thing.


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Now, you don’t have to have a full-on yoga class on the plane. But a few stretches will certainly help you to not feel completely sore and worn out by the time you land. So, remember to get up every few hours and stretch your legs, you’ll feel amazing.

You can do stretches even while sitting. Those include ankle stretches which you can do every hour or so. When you are done with that, just casually slip to the bathroom and do lunge touch toes, some squats and even some yoga stretches!

Plan Fun Activities

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Being on a flight for over 20 hours can be super exhausting and very boring. Sure you’ll get to see some beautiful clouds and land from a bird’s view, but after a while that starts to get boring too. So, before you actually go to your flight think about some fun activities you can do.

And there are actually plenty of great things you can. You can, for example, bring a book, download some great movies or tv shows on your iPad, phone or whatever electronic device you own. You can also load your phone with some great new music and discover new artists.

This is also a great time to reflect. So if you are into journaling, start writing your thoughts, feelings, and everything that pops up into your mind. If you have some papers or forms you need to finish, do that as well. With all of those activities, your time will surely pass much quicker.

Try to Sleep!

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Whether you like or not, at some point the stewardess will turn off the lights and the majority of passengers will sleep, so the best thing you can do is to simply join them in slumber. Ideally, you should sleep as much as you would normally, but if you need some extra setting to really get you in the mood of sleeping invest in an eye mask and earplugs.

If that’s not enough then you can also bring your own blanket and a neck pillow. Try listening to some soothing meditation music, and you’ll be sleeping as hard as a rock.

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