7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start Casual Dating

in Lifestyle

Casual dating, otherwise known as no strings attached dating, is commonly accepted as a positive in between for those who don’t want to commit to anything serious, but who also do not want to be completely single. The idea is that you are free, relaxed and able to enjoy dating without any pressure. The reality is though, that not everybody is ready or right for this kind of dating. Society and social media might say it is fun and exciting, but for you, it just might not be the right fit. It is a really good idea to understand if it is right for you, or if you’re ready for it, before any emotions with anybody else come into play.

Ask yourself these seven questions to decide if casual dating is right for you:

1. Do You Mind Mainly Online Dating?

You can date casually without being one of the 1 in 5 people in the UK who are online dating, but it is a lot harder. In person you can meet someone who might want to casually date but, it isn’t that easy to work that into an initial conversation. Instead, you can use official casual dating sites where everybody has signed up for the same reason. It makes things so much clearer and simpler, enabling you to arrange dates with those you know want the same thing as you.

2. Why Do You Want To Casually Date?

There are lots of reasons people want to date casually, and it helps to know your reason before starting this phase of your life. You may have had your heartbroken recently and casual dating is a great way to get back into meeting people again. But, if you haven’t taken enough time to work on yourself and maybe you’re vengeful or, still very sensitive and hurt, your motives might not be the best. Be really honest with yourself and check you’re not looking for rebounds, filling an emotional gap, or something to make your ex jealous. Emotionally you have to be ready for casual dating so it is important to be honest with yourself about why you want to do it.

3. What Do You Want Out Of Casual Dating?

It is important to know what you want out of casual dating, and what your limits are. Lots of people enjoy casual dating for companionship only, but things can get a little bit more complex when it comes to the physical side of things. Understanding your own limits when it comes to casual dating is important to ensure you don’t end up hurt. You can always revisit your decision, but you should be ready to stick to your guns so that you’re always putting yourself first.

4. Does Casual Dating Mean To You, What It Means To Others?

Casual dating as a general rule, means dating without any expectation of a serious relationship. However, it can mean different things to different people. For some it means a physical relationship only, for others it simply means a lack of commitment. Some might believe in exclusivity within a casual relationship out of respect, others might not. To keep things as clear as possible, read ‘what is casual dating‘ on a leading casual dating site first so you understand the basics. Then, keep it in mind that you may want to have a brief chat to ascertain the ‘agreement’ between you and a new person, if you date them and you both like each other. Both of you knowing where you stand leaves you both free to enjoy your casual relationship without anything getting complicated, or anybody getting hurt.

5. Is Your Last Relationship Over Over?

OK, so you have broken up with your ex, but is it properly over? Any residual messiness is not something to bring to the table when you date casually. Emotional or practical challenges of an old relationship aren’t going to make things any easier for you. Do yourself a favour and make sure your last relationship is over over before you start casually dating.

6. Are You Ready To Be In Charge?

When you’re looking for the one, maybe you are ready to let somebody take the reigns and romance you. With casual dating however, you have to be truly in the driver’s seat. You have to be ready to cut off a relationship if you’re catching feelings you don’t want, or if you worry the other person is getting feelings for you, and you don’t want to hurt them. You need to be incredibly selfish and be OK with respectfully taking what you need from your dating experience. Take a look at this handy article to learn about why putting yourself first is a selfless act.

7. Are You Ready To Have Some Fun?

If you are ready to start dating and casual dating is for you, it can be so much fun. Are you ready to have some fun? You can gain such fulfillment from dating without the pressure of finding the one. It can even help you to find out what you want from ‘the one’ eventually. Date people you wouldn’t usually date and be patient. Statistics show that being patient with dating pays off, and that counts for casual dating too, where you may need to take your time to get the kind of ‘results’ you want. Enjoy activities you wouldn’t usually enjoy, and explore yourself and enjoy this scene with all those casual daters enjoying this journey too. Casual dating has a lot to offer.

“Dating has taught me what I want and don’t want, who I am, and who I want to be.” –  Jennifer Love Hewitt

Casual dating is a really great idea as long as you’re ready, you know what you’re getting into and you’re ready to be in charge of your love life. Having an AI dating assistant can be a valuable resource to support you along the way. This is your dating journey and it could enrich your life, and contribute to more fruitful dating scenarios in the future when you are ready to find the one. As long as you’re honest with yourself, you have everything to gain from casual dating.

Image Credits: KAL VISUALS

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