9 Essential Ways to Stay Germ-Free at Work and Home

in Health & Well-being

Germs spread so easily, and one of the most common ways they spread is from touching your face or nose and then touching other things. When you encounter germs, you can become sick, so it’s vital to find ways to stay germ-free.

You might be wondering what the best ways to stay germ-free are. The truth is, you can do many things to keep germs away. With the right steps, you’ll be able to reduce contact with germs and stop spreading them.

If you’re interested in learning how to stay germ-free at work and home, continue reading. Here are nine essential tips that can help you accomplish this goal.

  1. Wash Your Hands Properly and Often

If you want to stay germ-free, you’ll need to focus on effective hand-washing skills. There are two main principles to know about washing your hands. The first is to clean them properly, and the second is to wash them often.

Proper hand-washing skills require using warm water and antibacterial soap. As you wash them, aim to keep them in the warm water for 20 to 30 seconds, scrubbing the entire time.

Washing often means washing as frequently as needed. This includes washing them after using the bathroom and washing them before eating. You might also want to wash them after touching things that are not yours.

  1. Clean Your Phone and Electronics

Staying germ-free also requires cleaning your cellphone and electronics every day. In fact, you might want to carry antibacterial wipes with you so you can clean these items several times a day.

You might be surprised to learn that some people never sanitize these items, yet they can contain tons of germs. Anytime you touch your phone without washing your hands first, you take the risk of spreading germs to your hands.

  1. Avoid Touching Your Face

Having germs on your hands is normal and really doesn’t harm you. It’s when you touch your germ-filled hands to your face where the problems arise. When you touch your face with unclean hands, you can spread germs to your face.

On the other hand, if you have clean hands when you touch your face, your face might spread germs to your hands. The best option for staying germ-free is to avoid touching your face.

If you touch your face or rub your eyes, you should aim to wash your hands right away. If you can avoid touching your face, you can stop the spread of germs.

  1. Wear a Mask

Another great way to reduce the number of germs you encounter is by wearing a face mask. A face mask covers your mouth and nose.

When you wear a mask, it filters the air before you breathe it, allowing you to breathe in cleaner air. Wearing a mask also helps you keep your germs to yourself, as it stops germs from coming out of your mouth and into the air.

  1. Use Hand Sanitizer

If you can’t wash your hands as often as you would like, you can supplement it with liquid hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer kills germs found on your hands. You can use it as often as you would like, but you should use a highly effective brand.

The benefit of using hand sanitizer is that you can keep a bottle with you all the time. Whenever you touch anything that is not yours, you can apply a small amount on your hands and rub it in. Instantly, you’ll have germ-free hands.

  1. Avoid Sharing Things

Learning how to be germ-free is vital if you work with other people. One good habit to develop is to avoid sharing things with your co-workers. You shouldn’t share drinks, food, or electronics.

If you have to share items, make sure you clean them before and after using them. You can wipe them with antibacterial wipes to clean them, and you should do this as often as necessary.

  1. Use Caution With Your Things

It is also vital to learn how to stay germ-free this fall, and another good habit is to use caution with your things. For example, women often carry purses. When they enter restrooms, some might set them down on the restroom floors.

After they finish in the bathroom, they may pick up their purses and set them in their cars or on their kitchen counters. When you do this, you spread germs from the bathroom floor to any place you set your purse.

You can stay germ-free by developing better habits with your personal things. Trying to avoid setting your things in germ-filled places is a good place to start.

  1. Keep Your Distance

Another excellent habit to develop is keeping your distance. Keeping your distance means staying six feet apart from others. When you stand too close to other people, you can acquire germs from them just from talking.

If you keep your distance, you’ll be able to stop the spread of germs from them to you. This habit also helps you keep your germs to yourself.

  1. Sanitize Your Home

Finally, it’s essential to take the time to sanitize your home often. One step is to use antibacterial soap to clean all hard-surfaced areas. Another step is to use disinfecting sprays in every room.

As you clean your home, remember to wipe down all the areas your hands touch. You might want to go through your home and wipe off all the light switches, for example. Wiping down all the doorknobs is also a smart move.

Taking time to do this each day can help eliminate the germs in your home. If you can reduce the germs there, you might stay healthier.

Staying Germ-Free Takes Extra Work But Is Possible

While it’s impossible to avoid germs completely, taking the right steps can help reduce your contact with germs. Aiming to live a germ-free life requires some extra steps, but can make a significant difference.

Learning how to stay germ-free is helpful and essential for your health. If you’d like to learn more about living a healthy life, check out the rest of our blog.

Image Credits: Jason Jarrach

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