9 Tips for Staying Connected with Long-Distance Family

in Lifestyle

Sometimes people have to hire a moving company Los Angeles and move away from their families, but just because relatives live far apart doesn’t mean that they can’t have close relationships. To help you maintain your relationship with your family, here are 9 tips for staying connected with long distance family members.

Have Weekly Video Calls

One the best ways to connect with long-distance family is by having a weekly video call. This may be a little tricky for people on opposite time zones, so try setting aside some time on a weekend to have your video call. You may be surprised at how long your calls are! Make it a part of your routine so it’s something you can look forward to. If one a call isn’t enough, you can have shorter calls throughout the week.

Start a Group Chat

Instead of messaging everyone individually, get everyone to join a group chat. This will make it easier for older family members to give updates on what they have going on each week at their senior care home. Starting a group chat is much easier than trying to gather everyone together for a phone call or video call, since they can reply whenever they want. A group chat works especially well for families and relatives who are on different time zones.

Document the fun times you have with photos and video so everyone can see what you’ve been up to and encourage them to do the same. You can talk about your photos during your weekly video calls, and look back on those photos with fondness in a few years’ time.

Make Time for Calls

Finding the time to have a catchup with your family can be difficult, so you need to figure out when you’re available. Prop up your phone or tablet on the counter and give your relatives a call while you are waiting for your dinner to cook in the oven. If you’re all on the same time zone, invite them all to set their dining tables and turn on their cameras so you can have a long-distance family meal.

Alternatively, you could share your schedule with your family so you can figure out when you’re both available. Even if you’re busy, having a quick five-minute call is better than not calling at all.

Share Your Hobbies

A great way to bring long-distance families closer together is for them to share their hobbies and interests. Tell your family about the new book you’re reading or the new TV show you’re watching and recommend they do the same. Give each other suggestions on hobbies you’ll all enjoy so even though you’re far apart, you can still do things together.

Start a Family Tradition

Family traditions are a perfect way for families to connect. If your family doesn’t already have one, now is a good time to start one. You could all bake cookies on your grandmother’s birthday while using her original recipe or you could buy each other a new pair of pyjamas each year to wear on Christmas Eve. Whatever your family tradition is, you can take comfort in the knowledge that you and your family are connected through them even though you’re far apart.

Keep Important Dates in Your Calendar

Just because your family lives far away doesn’t mean you should forget about special occasions. Keep a note of everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries in your calendar to remind yourself to send cards and gifts. Take some time to learn more about the things they like so you can send them a more thoughtful gift. You should also add other relatives’ hospital appointments, school recitals, sports games, and holiday flights in your calendar so you have a reminder to message or call them.

Have Occasional Family Dinners

Depending how far away your relatives are, try to organise family dinners on special occasions, whether it’s to celebrate someone’s birthday or Christmas. Gather family far and wide to have a meal together. Since travelling long distances can be expensive, you can alternate who hosts the dinner each year.

Turn Off Technology When You Are Together

If your family lives far away and getting together is a rare occurrence, turn off your phone and the TV so you can all give each other your undivided attention. Don’t waste the time you spend together staring at your phone.

Take a Vacation

If you can take a week off work, use that time to visit your family. Surprise them by taking a trip to see them. Taking a vacation to somewhere with a sunny beach may be nice, but nothing can beat home comforts and some extra time with your family.

Image Credits: Peace Alberto Iteriteka

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