Adjusting to Life Away from Home at College

in Health & Well-being

There will be two reactions that people will have when they first start at college for their freshman year. Blind crushing panic and a general ‘Oh my God, how am I going to cope… I want to go home… Someone please hold me…’ feeling; or they will be very blasé about the whole situation and just be glad to be away from their parents and the town they grew up in. Whichever category you fall into, you will want to be careful and safe and make it through the first year, and here’s how.

Make Friends

I know how silly that sounds because it’s such an obvious bit of advice, but it’s the best way of acclimatize yourself to life at college. Your University will be filled with hundreds of like-minded individuals who will have the same interests as you do, or different interests that might soon become your interests. The most important thing is that they will be going through what you are going through and so are the best people to talk to you if you’re feeling down about home or missing your mom’s cooking.

Societies and Sports

If you’re the shy type and find it hard to approach people and make friends, then find out what societies and sport clubs are available to join. There should be some kind of fresher’s fayre to help point you in the right direction on this. There will be something to suit everyone including the crazy new popularity of JK Rowling’s Quidditch. If you come from an scholarship then it should fine because your sport team will be like your family, but even if you don’t, although the college will have sport scholarship kids you are still likely to be able to get a spot on the team … and you never know you might even be picked for a scholarship yourself which will help pay the remaining fees.


Believe it or not studying can be great way to keep your mind off of what you’re feeling; especially if you’re doing a subject you really love and are passionate about. Plus, as well as making you more comfortable, you’ll get a head start on the rest of the class. Be warned, though, as you don’t want to become a recluse and hide out in your dorm with a textbook and miss all the action of fresher’s week. Fresher’s week is the best place to meet people and find your feet, plus when you’re all feeling worse for wear the next morning, you can initiate the Friends marathon, that will ensure your peers love you forever.

Try to keep your mind focused and remind yourself what you are at college to do. This is the start of your future – the first day of the rest of your life, so to speak, and you need to ensure that a few start of the semester jitters don’t get the best of you.

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