BO.LT, A New Way To Share

in Software

Social media is a huge part of the internet, and especially for business’ such as ourselves, it’s a great way to get the word out about new articles, products and even party invites. Every person I know uses social media in their day to day life: Whether it’s ‘liking’ an article on a website, retweeting a simple tweet or sharing an article on Linkedin.Consumers and customers are sharing links, photos, and videos like there’s no tomorrow. There are many online file sharing clients that are available for that purpose. But I’ve got something to show you guys that might just make the sharing process a lot more interesting; BO.LT

What is BO.LT?

BO.LT is a new sharing tool developed by brothers Jamie and Matthew Roche. BO.LT is a page-sharing service that lets users instantly copy, edit, customize and share virtually any web page, which basically means that BO.LT lets you turn any web page into a shareable object that we can share just like we share links, photos and videos right now.

Sounds interesting, right? Well how about this, not only can you share the web page, but you can delete parts from it that aren’t relevant to the thing you’re wishing to share. You can replace images on the web page with your own, and you can add any background image to the web page of your choice.

You can also share your BO.LTs with your favourite social networks: Facebook and Twitter integration makes this simple. All you have to do is link your BO.LT account with your Facebook and Twitter accounts in your BO.LT account settings. So, basically, BO.LT is the definition of SMO.

Top features of BO.LT?

It’s actually really hard to choose the ‘top features’ of BO.LT, because I honestly can hardly find fault with it. I’d say from a business point of view, this is a revolutionary piece of software, BO.LT is going to change social media for the better, and I can’t wait to see it do so. From a human point of view? BO.LT is most likely going to become my favourite social media sharing tool. Instead of sending my friends a link and telling them where on the web page the article is for them to check out, I can edit the web page to suit my needs, and that, my friends is something pretty extraordinary. Of course you’ll always get the people that can’t see a good thing go past without seeing what harm they can use it for, but really, this is about to change the online world dramatically.


Okay, I’m sold! Let me BO.LT!

Woah there, sailor. BO.LT is still in private beta form right now, but you can of course sign up for the invite list via the BO.LT website. Or, because you’re a lucky Previous reader, we have fifty beta passes to give away to you guys! Just enter ‘PREVIOUSMAGAZINE‘ after you’ve clicked on the “Already have an access key?” link, and you’re ready to rock.. and well, BO.LT.

Let us know in the comments if you use a key, and don’t forget to tell us what you think of BO.LT! You can also follow the BO.LT team on Twitter @getbolt


Update: BO.LT are having slight technical difficulties with our access key, but we have one for you guys anyway; LILYREMIXMany thanks to Lily Chiu from BO.LT for sorting that out for us, it’s very much appreciated!

Update Two:

Our original key is now working perfectly, sorry for the inconveniance, guys. Enter ‘PREVIOUSMAGAZINE’ for your entry into the private beta.

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