CBD for Beginners: Your Guide to the Best Way to Consume CBD

in Health & Well-being

CBD is a craving that’s not taking a backseat with consumers any time in the near future. As a matter of fact, Gallup reported that 14% of Americans admit to using CBD regularly.

If you’re new to trying cannabidiol-based solutions, then the big question is what is the best way to consume CBD.

Many consumers use CBD flowers to relieve chronic pain and inflammation in the body. Some boast about how it helps ease their anxiety and depression. Others use CBD for issues like acne and heart health.

CBD also has links to reducing blood pressure in patients who suffered from high blood pressure.

Are you a beginner with CBD, and you’re confused about taking it? Read this article to learn more about the best way to consume CBD when you’re starting out.

Best Way to Consume CBD? Swallowing and Ingesting

If you’re used to taking aids via the mouth, then swallowing and ingesting CBD may be best for you.

Start with CBD capsules. They’re considered food supplements and you can consume them like vitamins. Make sure you follow the directives and advice on the bottle before using it.

Keep in mind, like other over-the-counter aids, CBD capsules don’t release right away when swallowed. Depending on your body, it may take a while for you to feel the effects and benefits.

Creams and Lotions

Believe it or not, you can enjoy the benefits of CBD topically. That’s right! Like Bengay and Tiber Balm, you can rub CBD on different parts of the body.

Try CBD lotions and creams.

Many users who suffer from muscle or joint aches, use CBD topicals for relief. They also use it to treat skin conditions—acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

For newbies, take a look at: https://www.thecbdpath.com/. They have some great starter products for beginners.


E-cigarettes are common among smokers who’ve walked away from traditional cigarettes. They use them to control how much they smoke or as an attempt to quit.

If you’re new to CBD, you can consume CBD e-liquids in vaping products like pens and pods. You can regulate the strength of the CBD liquid and the flavor, but read up before you go this route.

Vaping doesn’t come without its pros and cons. Before you start taking your CBD that way, learn the risks and advantages.

As a Snack

It sounds weird that you could take CBD a snack, but it’s possible. Gummies are a great and popular way to enjoy CBD.

You read that right. Gummy CBD bears exist and you might like them. They’re called edibles and they’re in the top five ways of how consumers like to take cannabidiol. If you’re new and unsure about where to start, try an edible first then move up the ladder.


Cannabidiol has many benefits, but if you don’t know the best way to consume CBD, it’s pointless.

Start out simple like you would any other over-the-counter help aid. Once your body adjusts and you get a feel for the dosage you like, try more intense CBD products.

Want more tips like this? Check out our lifestyle guide for more ways to stay on top of today’s trends.

Image Credits: Pharma Hemp Complex

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