Does DIY Teeth Whitening Gel Remedy Work as Promised?

in Beauty

Did you know that over 40 million Americans whitened their teeth in 2018? And while you may be a part of this percentage, there are certain things you should be made aware of.

Let’s take at-home whitening for example. Even though this may seem like the most economic option, it just may be too good to be true.

There are various recipes out there for DIY teeth whitening gel, but do they work as promised? Here is everything you should know about at-home teeth whitening gel.

DIY Teeth Whitening Gel #1

One of the at-home teeth whitening projects floating around online is encouraging readers to put baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a mouthguard. You then leave it on for 10 minutes and are to repeat this cycle for the next two weeks.

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Though this may seem like the more economic option in comparison to a professional, it may actually do more damage than good in the long run. Generic mouth guards are usually not professionally fitted to fit your teeth.

If applied poorly the peroxide can inflame your gums. In addition, the FDA is extremely specific when it comes to the amount of hydrogen peroxide that is to be used. Overuse of this can pose a potential problem in the future. This is why you should consider paying more to get a professional to whiten your teeth for you instead. If you need a recommendation, simply head over to

DIY Teeth Whitening Gel #2

Dip a wet toothbrush in Turmeric. Let this paste sit on your teeth for about 5 minutes, rinse, then brush as normal.

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Although Turmeric does have a lot of health benefits, there is no solid evidence that it actually helps whiten teeth. If you are truly looking for a DIY teeth whitening gel that works, it’s better to go with a gel that is scientifically proven to work.

DIY Teeth Whitening Gel #3

Another DIY teeth whitening paste that has become really popular is the coconut whitening paste. This is when you mix coconut oil and baking soda until pasty and then apply it.

Not Recommended

Let’s face it. Coconut oil has become the number one go-to oil for all things. And though baking soda has a numerous amount of benefits for teeth whitening, there is no solid evidence that coconut oil can do the same.

When you’re trying to whiten your teeth for an upcoming event, it’s better to take the professional route than making your own teeth whitening gel.

All in all, if you’re looking for both safe and effective teeth whitening, it’s always best to go to a professional. Teeth whitening can be extremely sensitive and painful if done incorrectly.

DIY Teeth Whitening Gel and More

Whether you’re looking to learn more about DIY teeth whitening gel or are looking to take your health to the next level, we’re here to help. We know how hard it can be to find the perfect site for all of your lifestyle needs. Fortunately, we’ve put together top-of-the-line resources to answer all of your questions.

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