Where to Find Inspiration When All You Have Is Talent

in Home Improvement

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No matter how much you love helping others come up with great design and decor ideas when it comes to your own home, you can be left scratching your head. You know what you like, yet it seems almost impossible to even choose a colour. Creative people can struggle to find their voice when they work hard for others all day long. What you need is a simply starting point that offers you the inspiration to develop the look you want.

Colours aren’t always the first place to look. Why not look to textures instead? What tactile tantalisers could work in the living room? Sofas and cushions could be a great place to start. You have leathers and vinyl, faux furs, corduroys, and even silks. Developing a theme from your preferred texture can work wonders for the living room and the bedroom. After all, both these spaces are rich in fabrics like rugs, curtains, hangings, and covers.

Art can also provide a great deal of inspiration. Or maybe the artists themselves can help you out here! Artists like Warhol created works by seeking the beauty in the ordinary. Why not seek artist expos like the Andy-Warhols-10-most-famous-quotes web page to help inspire your next find? The kind of art he developed was always vibrant, full of rich colours and vivid shapes. Colour and shape are really important to interior decor and design. Which artist most inspires you?

Selecting art for your room is also important. You might prefer something abstract that’s full of movement. Or maybe you love picking a single colour from a canvas and matching it to your accent wall and soft furnishings? The best way to approach this kind of product is to stick to what you love. This is your home, and it should represent all the things that make you love life in full. Comforts can be found in the everyday things that visitors might never notice. But if they’re important to you, build on them and develop them into your decor theme.

Got a favourite movie or TV show? Who is your most loved author? Which top did you wear the most in your childhood? What colour was your first car? Ask yourself all those personal questions that dig deep into your tastes and preferences. It can help generate and build on ideas for design in your home. Think of the pictures that come to mind when you answer them. There may be a prominent colour, shape, or texture you can take away from that. Potentially, there is a connecting theme within all the answers, like cars, a high gloss red, or stripy patterns.

No matter how creative and how talented you are, inspiration can be incredibly hard to find. When it comes to your home, it’s easy to ponder over designs and styles that show off your talents. But this isn’t your portfolio, business card, or your office. This is your home so it should reflect all that you love about life, not just design. Happy hunting.

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