Five Ways to Cope with Chronic Pain

in Health & Well-being

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Did you know that according to the American Academy of Pain Medicine there are over 1.5 billion people around the world that suffer from chronic pain? This means you aren’t alone, not by a long shot. Here in the U.S. pain is a health problem that costs about $560-$635 billon each year and results in days lost at work, school, and can add to mental distress and depression.

Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, depressing, and exhausting, which is why it’s important to find effective ways to help cope with the pain. Whether you are new to chronic pain or you’ve been dealing with it for years, these tips may help to provide you with much-needed relief.

Consult with Your Doctor

Your very first step in coping with chronic pain should involve speaking to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to recommend pain medication and treatments that are specific to your issues. It’s a good idea not to just try things on your own without first consulting with your doctor.

You may require prescribed pain medication, over-the-counter medication or even a prescription for medical marijuana. If you do have a prescription for medical marijuana you can use the Dispensaries website to find local dispensaries, doctors who specialize in the marijuana field, and even delivery services.

Hypnosis – Change How You Perceive Pain

Hypnosis is being used for all kinds of different issues nowadays, from helping people to quit smoking, to losing weight, to helping them to sleep better. Hypnosis has been shown to help many people when it comes to chronic pain as well. It’s all about how you perceive pain. It can’t take away the pain, but it can change how you think about it. This technique is usually best used in conjunction with others.

Exercise – Work Out Your Stress

Anyone can benefit from exercise, including those who suffer from chronic pain. The best approach is to speak to your doctor and a personal trainer who can create a customized training plan of “safe” exercises. As of late, research has been showing just how effective exercise can be when it comes to coping with and treating chronic pain.

Relaxation Techniques – Focus the Pain Away

It can be hard to relax when you’re suffering from pain so this technique takes practice and patience. The goal is to focus on breathing, relaxing your muscles, letting go of tension, and clearing your mind. Meditation is an excellent example of effective relaxation techniques.

Visual Imagery – A Distraction from the Pain

Visual imagery is also referred to as a distraction technique. The general idea is that you give your mind something else to focus on so you aren’t thinking about the pain. Because it can be hard to focus the mind, experts suggest thinking about a particular picture or scene or staring at the actual picture. The scene should be a calming and pleasant one.

There is Hope

Perhaps the most important message to get across to those with chronic pain is that there is hope, and that there are techniques that can prove to be quite effective and helpful.

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