Gaining a Foothold in Today’s Fashion Industry

in Fashion

If you’ve always had a flair for choosing what clothes would match or have your own ideas of what would look good on people, then a career in fashion is what you should pursue. It is the perfect platform for you to do what you do best in a meaningful way. The fashion industry is hard to break into, but the internet and social media have pulled back the curtain a bit, enough to give more people a glimpse of this once secretive industry, and be better prepared to find a way in.

Getting the Appropriate Education and Training

Having natural talent is essential in fashion. But in a very competitive industry, this may not be enough. You may have talent in spades, but by going through fashion courses in TM Edit and getting a diploma to show for it, the task of getting into the fashion business becomes a lot easier.

There are many courses available to best fit your interests:

  1. Fashion design

It’s where you learn how to turn an abstract idea in your head to something tangible. You will learn how to create images by sketching and drawing, then breathe life into textiles and fabrics through pattern drafting, cutting, and sewing. You will also be subjected to a simulated work environment to better prepare you for the industry. Some, like the fashion courses in TM Edit, would even allow you to see your work on the runway.

  1. Fashion journalism

Fashion journalists do the same things other journalists do except they focus more on fashion trends and events. They share the same passion and love for fashion as designers and stylists and have inside knowledge of the industry. They spend most of their time attending events, doing research, and checking the latest trends.

  1. Fashion photography

In this course, you will develop your style and aesthetic approach in creating lens-based fashion images. You will have the chance to collaborate with designers, stylists, art directors, makeup artists, and models.

  1. Fashion marketing

This course will teach you to run advertising campaigns to promote fashion brands and products. What sets it apart is the fast-paced nature of the fashion industry. Where other industries can use the same marketing campaign for years, ad campaigns in the fashion industry run in much shorter cycles.

  1. Fashion merchandising

Fashion merchandising allows you to study the business side of fashion. You will learn to analyse which of the latest styles or products will be sought after so stores know what to put on their shelves. Others, like the fashion courses in TM Edit has in its curriculum, make sure you have a viable business plan once you graduate.


A career in fashion may seem glamorous, but be prepared to be disappointed at the beginning. When interning for the fashion industry, as with other internships, expect to be asked to do menial jobs sometimes unrelated to the world of fashion, and not get paid for it. But it will serve its purpose, which is to give you an advantage over the competition in landing a job. What you gain from an internship is the experience and network that will give you a leg up in when seeking employment.

The internet has made the fashion industry a bit more accessible to the masses. And despite some retailers closing up shop, the business continues to grow in the form of e-commerce. Fashion is always changing, but what should not change is the passion and hunger to learn, especially if you are still trying to start a career in it.

Image Credits: Raden Prasetya

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