Getting Back to Business After Lockdown

in Business

With the roadmap out of lockdown in place, a lot of businesses will be opening back up, and those that are already open will probably face a few changes to their day-to-day operations. A lot of businesses aren’t sure what to expect, so here are a few ideas of what getting back to business will be like after lockdown and what changes companies will be expected to make.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Since many struggling companies have had to cut down on staff, there are measures that they can put into place when the lockdown ends to keep their company going. The idea of ‘working smarter, not harder’ has changed many industries, and one change that businesses have put into place is automating repetitive tasks.

An example of this is using sensors and an AI to do 24/7 monitoring. The data can be logged and used to recognize trends via machine learning, which could save a company money or act as a failsafe.

Other way in which businesses are using automation are using social media management tools to schedule posts, automating sending out newsletters to clients when a blog post or new information is added to the company’s site, setting up automatic invoice reminders for clients, and having automated file backups and purchase orders.

Food Deliveries

Since lockdown started, employees have been unable to head to local cafes or shops to grab their lunch. This has started a trend in food deliveries to the office. Even when lockdown has ended, companies will likely still rely on fast food deliveries and vegan delivery services to reduce the COVID transmission rate among their employees.

People working from home are also having food delivered to their homes. By doing this, they can quickly do their weekly shop online or order takeout rather than going to the store, giving them more time to concentrate on their work.

Working from home

Since emergency COVID powers have been extended until the autumn, there’s a good chance that we could all go back into lockdown by the end of the year, it is a good idea for those already working from home to continue to do it.  It is more financially viable for companies to have their employees working from home as it cuts down the costs of renting an office space and buying furniture and office equipment. Those looking for work will have more job opportunities as companies looking for remote workers will be looking at applicants from all over the country and not just locally.

Updating the Company Website

Now is the best time for companies to update their website or to get a website if they don’t already have one. A lot of people have been shopping online during lockdown and that will undoubtedly continue after lockdown, so they’ll need a good website so you stand out from the crowd.

A business’s website should be visually interesting and well laid out. It will also need SEO-friendly content and a contact form so that customers can easily get in touch with the company. If a company is selling a product or service online, then they will need an e-commerce solution. The site should reflect their brand, be easy to navigate, and should be secure. If you’re website needs updating and you’re looking for fun and interesting web deigns, take a look at this website for inspiration.


Businesses that are opening to the public or are having staff return to the office after a long period of working from home will need to be meticulous when it comes to hygiene. Just because there is no lockdown, doesn’t mean that COVID can’t be spread. This means businesses will need to think about how they will employ safety measures for customers and staff. Offices and stores will need a professional deep clean from companies like Dose Industries commercial cleaning before reopening and have regular cleanings afterward. Businesses should check that employees are fit to work and ask any employee who displays any COVID symptoms to quarantine for 2 weeks. Companies may have to enforce social distancing to minimise contact, ask people to wear masks, and offer hand sanitizer to people who enter the building or supply gloves for customers to wear.

Image Credits: Marcus Aurelius

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