Grinding the Gears of Recovery: How to Boost Business in 2020

in Business

This has been a tough year for business. Throughout the world, all sectors have seen a significant shift in their ability to sell products and generate profits. Instead, most business have seen their sales plummet and their overheads remain the same, leading to companies losing cash hand over fist. In this article, we’ll look at how this process can be reversed and how you, as a small business owner, can help to contribute towards economic recovery and growth in your local area and in the national economy as a whole.

Forming Bonds

One piece of advice for local businesses which have been put out of action for a number of months is to re-establish those bonds of trust and care in your community. If you have a number of regular customers who have respected you for some time, they’re likely to return to you, trading simply because they want to support your business. Meanwhile, this is the time to generate bonds of support across other businesses in your area, sharing customers, information, and assistance in their time of need.

Lower Prices

A great way to encourage more people to your store is to lower your prices. This is in recognition of the fact that most people are slightly poorer than they were in 2019: many have had their businesses slide into terminal decline, and others still are unemployed and finding it difficult to get a job. In these circumstances, even a small gesture, with a slight reduction of your bill for customers, can go a long way to rebuild trust and to help you generate more sales and profits over the longer term.


This is perhaps the most important time in the past decade for business loans to be taken and spent on recovery. Without these important loans, supporting the injection of cash that businesses desperately need, thousands of companies could be facing the axe in the coming months. One of those sectors most in need of loans – due to machines being out of action for weeks on end – are manufacturers. You can find manufacturing loans online hat suit your specific business, and will give you impressive rates on your return considering that this cash – in 6-firgures – will help you to turn your business’ fortunes around once and for all.


The word ‘sustainability’ is often used to describe our treatment of the environment. The idea is that we only invest and grow in ways that can be sustained. In the world of business, though, this word is equally important: helping business owners and entrepreneurs plan their firms in such a way as to avoid shock declines in sales, or hits to their overall finances. If you’re rebuilding in the post-pandemic era, you need to think long and hard about how sustainable your business is and whether it has a future in its current iteration. If it doesn’t, you might find it easier to fold your firm and begin a new business line entirely in 2020 and 2021.

There you have it: some key tips to help you build your business and your community back up in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Image Credits: Chester Alvarez

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